SaFi Bank Space : gRPC research on load balancing in Istio/k8s

We are planning to see how we could use gRPC between our micro-services, and overall please check here for details gRPC

And in the original plan, we are starting the research about how we could do load balancing with gRPC in our current infra which is lstio/k8s.

Here is the original plan for doing this:

  1. Basics strategy of gRPC load balancing:

    • Research on gPRC load balancing algorithms and strategies, such as round-robin, random, and weighted least connections.

    • Differentiate how gRPC load balancing differs from traditional HTTP load balancing.

  2. Research gRPC load balancing options in Istio/k8s:

    • Check about the gRPC-specific features in Istio, such as the gRPC gateway, gRPC health checks, and gRPC-specific routing rules.

  3. Evaluate the pros and cons of different approaches:

    • Analyze the performance, scalability, and reliability of each approach.

    • Consider the impact on developer productivity and ease of use.

    • Assess the level of community support and availability of documentation and resources.

  4. Develop a plan for implementing gRPC load balancing in Istio/k8s:

    • Define the requirements and constraints for the solution, such as compatibility with existing infrastructure.

    • Develop a testing plan to validate the solution and ensure its effectiveness and correctness.

    • Plan for ongoing maintenance and support, including monitoring and troubleshooting.

For the actual tasks please check here: SAF-1844 - gRPC Load Balancing with Istio Backlog