SaFi Bank Space : GCP Network Architecture (Proposed)

This is a draft for collective inputs and decision; please feel free to state constraints and sound arguments in order for us to come up with the best network architecture.

Hereunder is the list of our objectives:




Each environment e.g. Production, Development, Staging should be on a separate VPC and project folder i.e. the Host project.

Shared VPC architecture will be implemented which is composed of one Host project and several Service projects. The Service projects uses a dedicated subnets in the shared VPC which is owned and maintained by the Host project. (Please see diagram)

We need to decide how to share subnets with service projects. We have the following two options:

  • Share all subnets: This option allows the sharing of all subnets created in the host project VPC with all service projects.

  • Share some subnets: This option allows us to control which subnet can be shared with the service projects.

Important Note

The communication between resources in service projects depends on the sharing policy adopted in the Shared VPC and on the firewall rules applied.

Network IP Address Class A for each subnet on sharedvpc

Since we will be using shared VPC, it may be a good idea to have class A i.e. to serve large subnetworks.

And here are some initial allocation of IP addresses for the Subnets(subject to change)

These IP allocations will change based on the folder structure we decide
