Business Requirements (4)

SAF-457 - Refetch loan limit from BE when user re-open the app or open loan screen Done

SAF-1091 - Add Personal Loan Transaction on progress/success/fail screen Done

SAF-1092 - Add Overdraft transaction on progress/success/fail screen Done

SAF-838 - FE: remove locked pocket option for early repayment Done


SAF-1299 - PoC per customer encryption Ably Kafka Connect Done

Bugs (2)

SAF-320 - FE: OD in delay: repay now button's text colour Done

SAF-1204 - FE: personal loan open screen should show monthly interest, not annual interest Done


Bugs (1)

SAF-663 - change installment plan of the scenario when do early repayment with prepaid amount equals the outstanding debt Done

NFR (6)

SAF-1002 - write unit and compoent test cases to cover PostingService Backlog

SAF-316 - sc send kafka event need to add idempotency key Done

SAF-1000 - get familiar with posting library Done

SAF-1001 - update PostingService.kt to use posting libraries Done

SAF-1338 - Build python posting pipeline to generate the posting.py Done

SAF-656 - Remove deprecated endpoint in slacker Done

SAF-1132 - check if loanEntity "EMI" field initiated correctly right after the loan opened Done

Testing tasks (10)

SAF-704 - Add unit tests for all posting handlers Done

SAF-426 - Add component tests for the OSPEventListener Done

SAF-676 - Optimize the current existing integration tests of the loan Done

SAF-406 - Check full repayments in sim tests Backlog

SAF-381 - Increment the test coverage of loan workflows Done

SAF-382 - Increment the test coverage of OD workflows Backlog

SAF-1170 - Add unit tests for the LoanActivitiesImpl Done

SAF-1186 - Add unit tests for the OverdraftActivitiesImpl Done

SAF-423 - Add tests for querying the overdraft history of the OverdraftController Done

SAF-708 - Add component tests for the LoanWorkflowMapperServiceImpl Done


1 BE leaves for 5 days.

1 BE leaves for 3 days.

1 BE leaves for 1 day.

The FE works are more business requirements related

BE more focus on finishing the testing work as well as NFRs