SaFi Bank Space : Privacy policy and T&C acceptation (Onboarding step 0)

Epic: SM-39 - ONB: Get secure access to the application Done
User story: SM-1204 - Privacy policy, Terms of Use, T&C acceptation Done


User story: As a customer, I want to accept T&C so that I can continue onboarding.

Role: Customer

Objective: The customer accepts 3 documents (later referred to as “documents”)

  • Privacy Policy - agreement on how client data is used

  • Terms of Use - agreement on how the application is to be used

  • Terms & Conditions - agreement about the bank products/services

Reason: The documents' acceptance is a necessary legal prerequisite to proceed with onboarding

Functional requirements:

  • Customer, who has passed the welcome screen is presented with a screen summarising the content of the documents.

  • Customer has the option to view each of the documents which are open in app and can be scrolled through

    • Prior to displaying each of the documents they are checked for their validity, only valid versions of the documents can be displayed.

      • Only one version of the document can be valid at one time.

      • Validity is set by days, the given day included

  • the Customer has to indicate acceptance of the document on the screen. Acceptance triggers the possibility to proceed to the next screen of the onboarding flow

  • When proceeding to the next screen, the version of each document and timestamp is saved to the Prospect profile

  • Once all consents are submitted, 4 consents are stored for the customer, additional one being the consent with marketing communication via any channels. This consent will be revocable via Customer profile in the app.

  • These consents are essential from a regulatory perspective and if not accepted the customer can not be onboarded.

  • The system will store the information about the version of the document the client agreed to at the time of onboarding (there can be changes in the future and other versions so we can keep track).

  • Within these documents, there is also a marketing consent which the client will have an option to revoke later on in their client profile - not during onboarding.

After obtaining consent from the customer:
1. Customer entity in Prospect status will be created
2. In case the onboarding process is not finished in 7 days, the respective Prospect will be invalidated.
(i.e. all customer’s data can be repeatedly used for onboarding)
3. Device fingerprint (dvid) is harvested

UI requirements: Provide a summary of the documents' contents on the screen, links to all 3 documents in full, and allow acceptance of all documents ideally via 1 tap.

Process flow: N/A

Execution steps: see the functional requirements

Internal dependencies: have storage for consent documents

External dependencies: N/a

Alternative scenarios:

  • The customer does not accept the documents - no possibility to proceed, button enabling to continue in the flow is disabled

  • The customer accepts the documents, proceeds to the following screen, then comes back and:

    • withdraws the acceptance, customer cannot proceed further

    • withdraws the acceptance and then accepts again - no changes, the original version of each document and timestamps is overridden by the current ones

  • The app does not have access to one or more documents or does not have access to one or more documents that are valid - the error/info screen will pop up and the customer be asked to reload/retry or return to this step later on.

Acceptance criteria:

  • By clicking on each of the links a correct document type in its last version is displayed to the Customer

  • the Customer that does not agree to all of the documents (does not tick the checkbox), cannot proceed with onboarding

  • Once accepted the consent, the version of each document and timestamp is stored in the Prospect profile

Links to wireframes/UI: /