Role: Customer

Objective: Details of the customer’s main account are shown.

Reason: Customer wants to see details of his main account.

Functional requirements:

  • The screen shows basic information about the customer’s main account.

    • Account name

    • Account number for domestic payments

    • Bank Code [alphanumeric]

    • Type of account (main)

    • State (active/inactive/blocked)

    • Balance

      • Total balance

      • Available balance

    • Interest rate

UI requirements:

  • The customer can copy his bank account number.

  • These must be also option to share this information (name + account number + bank code).

Acceptance criteria:

  • When the customer goes into main account detail, he can see all information correctly.

  • He can copy his bank account number.

  • He can share his bank details.

Links to wireframes/UI: