Role: Customer

Objective: Open a new locked pocket.

Reason: The customer wants to manage his money and get a better interest rate.

Functional requirements:

  • Customer is allowed to have up to 8 active sub-accounts of both unlocked and locked type

    • If this would be his 9th account, he gets an error message, and a sub-account is not created.

  • At first, the customer is shown a few screens how the sub-accounts works.

  • During opening the locked sub-account, the customer has the option to fill in these details:

    • Name

    • Picture (Optional)

    • Type - Locked/Unlocked

    • Tenure (lock duration)

      • Exact options are to be specified, but let`s start with 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months, 2 year, 3 year.

    • Amount to transfer

  • After the customer writes down tenure and amount to transfer, he is shown what will be his amount saved by end of the tenure.

  • After that, a sub-account is internally created, a transaction is initiated, and if it succeeds he is forwarded to the success screen.

  • The locked subaccount doesn’t have a visible account number.

  • There are no available transactions for the locked sub-account.

  • In the future (after MVP), there will be option for templates:

    • During the first step of the creation of a sub-account (name+ picture) customer will be able to choose between several templates for quick setup.

      • When the template is chosen, all fields are automatically prefilled and the customer can edit them.

      • e.g. Emergency funds, Holidays, …

UI requirements: any special demand for UI

Process flow:

Acceptance criteria:

  • When there are more than 8 active sub-accounts, a new sub-account cannot be created.

  • If the customer chose a template, all other information is prefilled.

  • After successful creation, all data are stored properly in the database and in TM Vault.

  • Outgoing and incoming transactions to the sub-account are not allowed.

Links to wireframes/UI:


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test (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
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