SaFi Bank Space : User Stories: Loans


Overdraft epics

SM-959 - Get an overdraft Resolved

SM-960 - Repay an overdraft before 60th day Done

SM-961 - Repay an overdraft after 60 days Done

SM-963 - Overdraft Center overview Done

SM-2209 - Update OD screens with MVP UI Done

Personal loan epics

SM-965 - Get a Personal Loan within limit Done

SM-964 - Check existing Personal Loan Done

SAF-988 - Repay a Personal Loan on time Backlog

SAF-1258 - Repay a Personal Loan delayed Backlog

Frontend-specific epics

SM-962 - Loans Products screen In Review

SAF-1261 - Loans design updates Selected for Development

Backend-specific epics

SM-24 - Loans: Basic loan settings Done

SM-2864 - Slacker PoC Done

SM-4560 - Slacker EPFS build Done

SM-3495 - Slacker post-EPFS build In Progress

SAF-1256 - Make slacker easier to extend and deploy Backlog

SM-2624 - Implement Product Recommendation tool Done

SM-1270 - Integrate Loans with Risk mgmt system Done

SAF-1257 - Implement debt manager Backlog

SM-4233 - Make PL API idempotent Done

SAF-1255 - Loans test coverage Backlog

Cross-domain cooperation epics

SM-2612 - Expose Transactions data to Data Team team Done

SM-3942 - Infrastructure and service enhancements Done

SM-3461 - Provide loans data to other services Done

SM-3743 - Audit logging for all domains In Progress

  • specifically: SM-3744 - Ensure all Loan-related changes are logged into audit log Done

SAF-999 - Internal accounts and transaction structure Backlog

  • specifically: SM-6943 - Implement proper internal structure on Loans To Do

SAF-1259 - Loans Microservices security - authorisation and authentication Backlog

SAF-1278 - [NFR] Use common generated Kafka helpers Backlog

SAF-1271 - [NFR] Data privacy - endpoint exposure Backlog

SAF-1274 - [NFR] Input sanitization Backlog

Post-MVP epics

SAF-990 - Integrate Collections w Loans Backlog - including integration with external collection tool, Loxon

SAF-991 - Debt manager: nonMVP items Backlog - including late fee complex implementation

SAF-994 - Get a Personal Loan above limit Backlog - not an MVP epic, no business requirements prepared

SAF-993 - Get Overdraft above limit Backlog - not an MVP epic, no business requirements prepared

Atome epics

SAF-992 - Atome - shared credit line Backlog

SAF-997 - Atome - Onboarding Backlog

SAF-995 - Atome - QR scan payment flow Backlog

SAF-996 - Atome - Direct Debit BNPL Payment Backlog

SAF-998 - Atome - Frontend integration Backlog  

Scope that was not completed by handover


  • Overdue fee for personal loans, endpoint for Loxon SAF-362 - Post penalty fee to delayed PL Backlog

  • Frontend: Early repay the next instalment SM-6693 - FE Early repay PL - repay only the next instalment Done

  • Accounts using posting library and Loans to switch to the library: SM-6943 - Implement proper internal structure on Loans To Do

  • Slacker post-EPFS build SM-3495 - Slacker post-EPFS build In Progress

  • Make slacker easier to extend and deploy SAF-1256 - Make slacker easier to extend and deploy Backlog

  • Disclosure statement: SAF-1261 - Loans design updates Selected for Development

Post-MNP, Public launch