SaFi Bank Space : 5th Week planning - 0130 - 0203


  • Regarding that debt manager auto-repayment didn’t update the loan, it is correct inside TM. But loan-manager and other squad backend services don’t process the changes accordingly. SAF-1410 - Update loan after debt manager auto repay loan debt Done . So loan-manager doesn’t fully integrate with debt-manager, so as account-manager, card-manager and transaction-processor-manager. It also depends on the integration task of posting library that we are working on currently.

  • Book a time slot with Lukas Civin next week to design test scenarios from the business point of view

  • By the Mid of next week, we can start with business requirements, but we also allocate some resources to write testing cases and do NFR tasks at the same time.


Business Requirements (5)

SAF-1093 - Modify copy/wording and margin padding per latest figma (loan product, loan, overdraft screen) Done

SAF-1070 - Add Additional loan info and Disclosure statement Cancelled

SAF-1507 - Update Loan History Detail Page Done

SAF-1123 - Update delayed personal loan action after cash-in Cancelled

SAF-1100 - Update delayed personal loan overview Backlog


Bugs (2)

SAF-1238 - Dashboard Available balance/My Funds incorect after did overdraft repayment Done

SAF-1050 - UI | Mobile | Android | Transactions - Forever Loading On Repayment Of Personal Loan Done



SAF-1234 - Update additional fields and values in Transactions payload for Slacker Done

Bugs (5)

SAF-1410 - Update loan after debt manager auto repay loan debt Done

SAF-656 - Remove deprecated endpoint in slacker Done

SAF-1565 - investigate negative loan balance Done

SAF-663 - change installment plan of the scenario when do early repayment with prepaid amount equals the outstanding debt Done

SAF-508 - BE: loans and repayments are not in transaction list Done

NFR (5)

SAF-1338 - Build python posting pipeline to generate the Done

SAF-316 - sc send kafka event need to add idempotency key Done

SAF-1522 - Add loan transaction in common utils project Done

SAF-1001 - update PostingService.kt to use posting libraries Done

SAF-1617 - define overdraft and loan posting transactions - python part Done

Testing tasks (5)

SAF-1170 - Add unit tests for the LoanActivitiesImpl Done

SAF-676 - Optimize the current existing integration tests of the loan Done

SAF-1438 - Address the reason local Kafka client can't connect to the brave Kafka broker Done

SAF-382 - Increment the test coverage of OD workflows Backlog

SAF-1186 - Add unit tests for the OverdraftActivitiesImpl Done

Current Status


22 out of 33 bugs have been fixed - 60% SAF-1072 - This epic keeps track of all the bugs Backlog


2 of 7 stories have been done.

The mosting time consuming one is the integration of posting library because it impacts all smart contracts and loan-manager, and a large part of the exsiting code should be updated. Hopefully we can finish this one by the mid of next week.

Input sanitization, idempotency and data privacy are small stories and won’t take much effort.


Unit Testing

7 out of 11 stories have been done - 63% SAF-375 - Add unit tests for the loan manager Backlog

Component Testing

9 out of 12 stories have been done - 75% SAF-418 - Add component tests to the loan manager Backlog