TimescaleDB Postgres extension is considered to be used as time-series DB in the Audit log service.

It was decided the TimescaleDB will not be used for Audit log

  • GCP does not support this PostgreSQL extension - therefore a separate vendor would have be used to maintain this

  • Currently there are no data crunching/aggregation requirements for the audit log, where the time-series BD would provide a performance boost

1. Installation options

Hosted by Timescale cloud

The Timescale cloud is built on top of AWS.

Not free, so must pay for its service & support.

Install managed service of TimescaleDB on Public Cloud (AWS, Azure, GCP)

Not free.

Serviced by TimescaleDB team.

Self hosted

Install TimescaleDB on server by yourself.

Supported OS: Debian/Ubuntu, RHEL/CentOS, Windows, MacOS.

Using pre-built Docker image

Easy to get it up since it’s simple to startup a docker container.


Install in Kubernetes using Helm

Be able to customized.

Easy to install.

Support single-node as well as multiple-node for High Available.

Install using Docker image on AWS

Only support AWS.


Support distributed Postgres instances.

Install using GCP

Seems this extension is not supported as per https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/postgres/extensions

2. Install TimescaleDB extension

NOTE: Install TimescaleDB extension if you are not using pre-built docker image.

$ CREATE database example;
$ \c example                 # connect to 'example' database

Check if the TimescaleDB extension is installed:

$ \dx
List of installed extensions

3. Create a hypertable

The hypertable as the core of TimescaleDB is an abstract layer on top of a couple of chunks. Each chunk is implemented using a standard database table.

Rows inserted into a hypertable are "routed" (partitioning) to the right chunk based on a time column.

Chunks are not visible to users, so users interact with TimescaleDB via hyptertable by using standard SQL.

Create a regular Postgres table:

CREATE TABLE stocks_real_time (
  symbol TEXT NOT NULL,
  day_volume INT NULL

Convert the regular table to hypertable:

SELECT create_hypertable('stocks_real_time','time');

Partition the data with ‘time’ column.

NOTE: TimescaleDB automatically creates an index on the time column.

Some key arguments of create_hypertable():




table name


the first argument is to specify what table to convert

column name


the second argument is to specify the column for partitioning



Event time that each chunk covers. Must be > 0. Default is 7 days. Events in 7 days are stored in the same chunk (table).

Read create_hypertable to know more arguments.

To verify if a table is a hypertable:

SELECT * FROM timescaledb_information.hypertables WHERE hypertable_name = 'stocks_real_time';

4. Use TimescaleDB

Inserting and querying data using standard SQL statements.

5. Data retention

Old time-series data are not valuable when time goes on, so they can be dropped.

Automatic data pruning

SELECT add_retention_policy('stocks_real_time', INTERVAL '3 weeks');

Drop all data older than three weeks.

Manual data pruning

SELECT drop_chunks('stocks_real_time', INTERVAL '3 weeks');

6. Questions




Vendor & Cost

Is Safi CTO open to using this? (Until June 22 it was agreed on using a single SQL and a single NoSQL DB). Jakub Ukrop (Unlicensed) will get the answer.


Where to install TimescaleDB ? On GCP’s vm or kubernetes ? For different environment, we need to use different installation.

Data retention

How long is the data kept ?

The old data should be stored somewhere else ? Is it still valuable ?

Single/multi node

7. References

  1. https://docs.timescale.com/

  2. https://github.com/timescale/timescaledb