Epic: SM-1811 - IAM: Authenticate and authorize with step up requirement (MVP-P1) Resolved
JIRA: SM-1832 - Login to app with vKYC (Step-up fallback) Cancelled
Effort estimate:
Review status: in preparation/ready to review/approved

As a customer I want to get connected to bank agent via video so that my identity can be checked and verification can be completed

Role: Customer

Objective: Identity check and access the app

Reason: Customer verification Step-Up fallback

Functional requirements:

Slacker https://safibank.atlassian.net/l/cp/mq55Wj1m as a decision point to assess the risk evaluation of operation. Based on the risk assessment, the calling service should make a decision whether or not to request step-up. Slacker response will be either approve or reject or Step-up

IAM interaction with Slacker regarding step up functionality https://safibank.atlassian.net/l/cp/mq55Wj1m

Use cases of step-up: Transactions, change of mobile phone, account/loan approval

  • if SM-1831 - Login to app with face matching (Step-up) Cancelled fails, this is the next step

  • vKYC will be implemented using Video KYC using Advance AI

  • This steps requires CC involvement

  • Customer needs to enable microphone and camera in order to complete this step

  • Customer has 2 options: 1. initiate video call immediately (must have) or 2. schedule video call (nice to have). If customer decides to schedule video call, he/she can choose available that and select if he/she wants to receive notification regarding the scheduled video call

  • After the video call with CC agent Customer will get information on if the process is successfully completed or not. If successfully completed, customer can access the app and start using available features. If the vKYC is unsuccessful customer is displayed with message that the application cannot be processed.

UI requirements: n/a

Process flow: n/a

Execution steps: n/a

Internal dependencies: SM-1831 - Login to app with face matching (Step-up) Cancelled , Back-Office Squad

External dependencies: 3rd party prerequisites

Alternative scenarios: what would happen if not done (optional)

Acceptance criteria:

  • Customer identity is verified (by CC agent)

  • Customer logged in the app

Links to wireframes/UI: https://www.figma.com/file/dkDQHRa1zq7tU58MiL6hBR/SaFi---UI---MVP-(Shared)?node-id=5407%3A34944 the whole vKYC UI flow is available

SM-5225 - FE: Vkyc UI sync with latest Figma Done