

Short description

Charging mechanism


Subscription fee

Each customer is subscribed to one of available (±3) subscriptions granting specific benefits based on the price


Charging date computed based on the subscription start (onboarding)

Charging date can be changed by BackOffice

Fee could be waived as part of marketing campaign


Transaction fee

Charged whenever customer does not have any additional free transactions available neither from subscription, nor applied benefits.

Shown as separate transaction in history

Charged atomically with the transaction. If the customer does not have enough money for fee, transaction will not go through.


Overdraft instalment (due/ current)

OD has to be repaid after one month, by autodeduction of the installment. If there’s not available balance, loan goes into collection and autodeduction will try to happen after two months again.

Autodeducting the full outstanding OD from the main account.


Overdraft: Past due fee (past one month)

If customer misses the first repayment due date (grace period), a fee is charged to his OD loan. Value of fee is based on the outstanding loan amount.

One-time, fixed amount for the full month


Overdraft: Past due fee (past two month)

If customer misses the second repayment due date (after 60 days), an IR is calculated for his outstanding debt, on a daily basis.

IR, calculated on a daily basis (in case user will early repay during the month)


Personal loan instalment (due/ current)

PL has to be repaid every month. The installments have the same value, except the last one that is lower than the previous payments.

Monthly, based on Loan payment calendar.


Opening fee

After loan disbursement, the customer will be charged a one-time fee amount, from the main account.

One time, after loan disbursement to main account.


Personal loan: past due penalties

If customer misses repayment, late fee is added to the loan


ATM Withdrawal fee


Additional card fee

Customer is allowed a single free card. Additional cards will be (later on) charged.

Charged when additional card is requested. If the customer has insufficient funds, the additional card can not be requested


Block & unblock

Customer is charged a fee for blocking & unblocking the card.

Charged upon blocking & unblocking operation.


Card transaction fee

Fee priority

Some fees/charges have defined charging priority whenever the customer does not have enough money.

(a) subscription fees of the bank,
(b) penalties/charges for past due loans,
(c) penalties/charges for overdraft,
(d) past due loan,
(e) past due overdraft,
(f) interest (overdraft),
(g) current due for loan,
(h) current due for overdraft, and
(i) other subscriptions with other merchants (auto-debits)