SaFi Bank Space : PL Epic: Create Payment template from Transaction

Key epic name P story point estimate Status
SM-620 Payment Templates Medium To Do



The client wants to create a template from a new payment or an already existing payment

  • New Payment: Add the option to store all provided information in a new template
  • Existing Payment: Convert existing payment into a template

The client can select his/her own name for the template

  • Existing Payment Template:
    • There must be an option to update the existing payment template, where a client can update all information except the account number/phone number of the beneficiary
    • Each payment template can be deleted

Functional requirements:

  • Create / Edit / Delete Payment Template on Master Payment Account (only)
  • Template name limited to 32 characters (incl. numbers; excl. any special characters)
  • Payment Template can be related to own sub-accounts or other master accounts in the same bank

UI requirements:

  • New Payment: Selector to store existing payments as a template
  • Existing Payment: Option (button) to convert the existing payment into a template

The client can select his/her own name for the template

  • Existing Payment Template:
    • There must be an easy option to edit payment details, except account number/phone number which is read-only
    • Each payment template can be deleted with a simple click with confirmation

Process flow:

Execution steps:

  • xxx

Internal dependencies:

  • Internal Payments (TM)

External dependencies:

  • n/a

Alternative scenarios: n/a

Acceptance criteria:

  • The client can create a payment template from existing payment
    • Payment can have a customized name
  • The client can update the existing payment template
  • The client can delete the existing payment template

Key Summary T Due Assignee P Status Resolution
SM-619 Create a template from a new payment Story Unassigned Medium To Do Unresolved
SM-621 Convert existing payment into a template Story Unassigned Medium To Do Unresolved
SM-622 Edit the payment template Story Unassigned Medium To Do Unresolved
SM-623 Delete the payment template Story Unassigned Medium To Do Unresolved