SaFi Bank Space : 🟢 Epic: Top-up via Cash-In (Digipay) | outside App

Key epic name P story point estimate Status
SM-1719 Top-up via OTC Cash-In (Digipay) Medium Done



User must be able to top-up his/her master SaFI Account by paying cash via Digipay store (OTC partner) or from the Digipay app - this will not be initiated from the SaFi app. In the SaFi app, only instructions on how to do the payment (cash-in) will be provided to the user.

Execution Steps (happy path):

  1. User selects Cash-in option from the payments screen
  2. User selects Over-the-Counter
  3. User selects Digipay option from the top of the merchants' list
  4. The instructions on how to do the transaction will be provided to the user
  5. User will go to any Digipay store or uses the Digipay app and provides SaFi account number to execute the cash-in
  6. After the cash-in transaction is successfully executed, the user will be notified of the transaction result via push notification
  7. the account balance will be updated and the credit posting will appear in the history list

Key Summary T Due Assignee P Status Resolution
SM-2136 FE: View instructions how to do Digipay Cash-in Story Kristína Magyarová Medium Done Done