SaFi Bank Space : 🟢 Epic: Money Withdrawal via Interbank Transfer (Paynamics) | in App (EPFS)

Key epic name P story point estimate Status
SM-1439 Money Withdrawal via Interbank Transfer | In App High Done



User must be able to send money from his/her master SaFi Account to another bank account outside of SaFi bank (other bank).

Execution Steps (happy path):

  1. User selects the Shortcuts icon from the main dashboard
  2. User selects the Send money option from the shortcuts menu
  3. User selects the Other Bank option
  4. User inputs details about the beneficiary and selects desired bank
  5. User manually inputs the amount of money to be withdrawn
  6. User schedules the payment date and set the frequency
  7. User reviews transaction details
  8. User confirms the transaction with a passcode
  9. A transaction confirmation message is provided to the user