Key epic name P story point estimate Status
SM-256 EPFS Bank Statement Medium Done



A list of all posted transactions during the calendar month on the main account should be available to the user in form of a bank statement, including interest, tax, and remaining balances calculated after each transaction. The bank statement should also include the beginning and ending balance of the main account.

Execution steps:

  1. User opens the side menu on the dashboard
  2. User taps on “Statement history”
  3. “Bank Statements” screen is displayed
    1. Monthly bank statements are listed under each other in a chronological order
  4. User taps on a bank statement
  5. User verifies by password
  6. Bank statement pdf is opened and can be downloaded
  7. Information about the bank and user is displayed, including main account details, balances, and posted transactions during the month (debits, credits)

Links to wireframes/UI: