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SM-1695 Epic Transfer Money with QR/Barcode Medium 2.0 0.0 Done


Role: User


The user should provide transaction details via QR code (name, account number) by sharing the QR code as an image.


The user will be able to provide and share payment details to other SaFi user (sender) by sending the QR code as an image.

Functional requirements:

We should encrypt and be able to decrypt the account holder name and the corresponding account number while generating and recognizing the QR code.

UI requirements:

This operation must be simple from a UI perspective: a native share modal will be provided to the user.

Process flow:

Tapping on “Share” button → native share panel appears and the QR code can be shared as an image

Execution steps:

  1. User is on “My QR” screen

  2. User taps on “Share” button

  3. The OS native share modal appears

  4. User selects a preferred app or sharing method

Internal dependencies:

🟢 Beneficiary Flow: 1. Generate QR Code to Request Money

External dependencies: -

Alternative scenarios: -

Acceptance criteria:

  • the QR code is available to the user and is placed in the drawer menu on the main dashboard under “Account detail”

  • CTA button “My QR” is provided in the Account detail

  • clicking on the CTA button “My QR” a QR code is generated and displayed on the screen

  • there is CTA button “Share” to share the QR code

  • user can click on the CTA button “Share” and a native share modal will be provided to the user to pick the preferred share option

Links to wireframes/UI: