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SM-2067 Epic Top-up via Debit Card (Paynamics) | Only In App Medium 2.0 2.0 2.0 Done

Role: User


The user should be able to type the amount of money he/she wants to transfer from the chosen Debit Card to SaFi account.


The user will be able to fund the SaFi account with money from chosen Debit Card. User can decide how much money he/she wants to transfer which can depend on the minimum amount limit and free transactions left/fee.

Functional requirements:

Please, see the Technical analysis here >>

Amount of money

  • the input field contains a static PESO sign

  • only the numeric keypad is provided once the user clicks on the field

  • the user can type numbers with a decimal separator (point/dot)

  • while typing larger numbers (more than 999), every 3 decimal places will be automatically separated with a comma

UI requirements: -

Process flow:

  1. User will type the exact amount

  2. User can type the note for himself (which is optional)

Execution steps (Happy path):

Please, see the Technical analysis here >>

Internal dependencies:

🟢 1. Choose "Debit Card" Top-up option in the Top-up section

External dependencies: -

Alternative scenarios: -

Acceptance criteria:

  • information about the current SaFi bank account balance is displayed

  • manual input of the amount must be provided to the user

  • the minimum amount of money that can be transferred is displayed

  • If the amount is lower than the limit an error message will be displayed

  • “Note for myself” is available to the user (optional)

  • the CTA button “Submit” is available to the user

Links to wireframes/UI: