Role: Customer

Objective: Let the customer edit pocket details to reflect his current needs.

Reason: To make sure that the application reflects the customer`s current saving strategy.

Functional requirements:

Acceptance criteria:

  • The customer can edit:

    • Name of the pocket

    • Image

    • Target Date

    • Target Amount

    • Autorenewal - Yes or No

    • Tenure

      • only change to a longer tenure is allowed.

  • All these changes are applied and visible right after confirming the edit.

Links to wireframes/UI:


~Untitled Diagram.drawio.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
Untitled Diagram.drawio (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
Untitled Diagram.drawio.png (image/png)
~test.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
test (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
test.png (image/png)