SaFi Bank Space : Transactions - Planning, grooming, estimations… process

Sprint Intro meeting
Who: Product Manager (Mari/Kristina) for the team

What: define Sprint Goals, present epics and user stories for next sprint incl. Acceptance criteria

When: at the begin of the sprint (for example at the begin of Sprint 6, intro of the planned scope for Sprint 7)


Technical Analysis

Who: developer

What: technical analysis, work breakdown, preparation to present it on the Backlog Refinement meeting

When: between Sprint Intro and Backlog Refinement, 1st week of the sprint


Backlog Refinement (Grooming) meeting

Who: team

What: presentation of technical analysis and work breakdown of user stories, discussion, identify dependencies on other teams, estimation, tasks assignment, define what can be done and what should be presented to the customer by the end of sprint, commitment of the scope

When: 2nd week of the Sprint


Sprint Planning, demo, end sprint review meeting

Who: team with customer representatives

What: demo, review of planned and finished user stories/tasks of finished sprint, acceptance of the finished sprint by customer BO, presentation of the scope of the new sprint

When: 1st day of the sprint


Definition of Done - Transactions - Definition of Done

Maybe we can consider also Definition of Ready