SaFi Bank Space : Atome+SaFi Overview


Atome documentation folder:

Mindmap of Atome+SaFI integration scope:

Atome payment flows:

Atome API:



I. Onboarding

Original flow proposed by Atome:

  • Customer flow

  • Requirements

    • Onboarding to Atome starts as a background action, with no customer interaction intended

      • In case of additional KYC required by Atome, or an already existing Atome account is linked to a SaFi account, customer interactions might be necessary (and so H5 pages to enable customer interaction)

    • Safi will trigger the Atome onboarding in the background, once SaFi successfully finished its own onboarding (customer status is ‘Approved’ after SaFi’s initial risk assessment).

    • Atome will maintain the API, check token, run risk assessment based on KYC data provided by SaFi, match Phone/ID/Account, deduplicate users, register/match user, bind SAFI+Atome user IDs

  • Safi to provide

    • Initiate flow for all SaFi customers

    • Storing token

    • Sending Onboarding/KYC data to Atome

    • Implement frontend solution in SaFi app for negative path (e.g. user registration is declined by Atome)

    • Account number that is associated with the client (that shall be shown in check-out)

  • Atome to provide

    • APIs (User check API, User register API, Request auth token API)

    • H5 pages: Atome customer to verify account binding, additional KYC data

  • Opened topics and SaFi proposals based on flow of the above picture

    • (1) Flow should run in the background, it will be triggered after Safi’s onboarding process.

    • (2) Does token have a validity? How long?

      • Team agreed at Sep9 to have 2h validity a token

    • (4) What does ‘Refresh token step’ include?

      • It is an automated backend procedure on Atome side w/o customer interaction. In some cases, Atome might require OTP confirmation from the user.

    • (7) ‘Bind result callback’ API

      • SaFi will not notify its users

    • (10) Negative path (onboarding rejected by Atome)

      • SaFi will disable the BNPL product on the frontend

    • (10) How can a customer re-apply later on if he was rejected earlier?

      • SaFi proposal: Using the credit line API, refreshing the eligible loan amount will change customers' status to eligible.

    • (12) Onboarding data requested by Atome, please fill out the ‘Must’ column ( based on this

      • SaFi can not provide at the moment: secondaryPhoneNumber, emergencyContact data, companyName, workSince

      • SaFi can only provide optionally: taxpayerIdentificationNumber, manuallySssNumber

      • Following items need a more detailed description from Atome for Safi developers, please elaborate: manuallyIcType, jobIndustry, manuallyGender, livenessPhotoPath

      • Atome to update API: include a field for the last 4 digits of the main account (this should be displayed during the customers' payment flows for easier identification of their account)

    • (13) (14) (15) Are these pages necessary?

      • The content of the pages depends on the legal structure of customer documents (Tnc, Privacy Policy, etc), and also on the DDI and DDA.

    • (17) Will a One time password be sent by Atome the first time user is opening Atome plugin in SaFi app?

      • Safi assumes that no OTP is happening if its a new customer to Atome

    • Photo upload API: where does it take place in the flow?

      • Safi assumes it is in “User Register API”

    • Submit Credit Application API: where does it take place in the flow?

      • Safi assumes it is in “User Register API”

This is our understanding of the APIs. The red lines are missing in original proposal, should be added:

Specifically, addressing the Credit application (onboarding - that is included in User Register API):

II. Get Atome’s credit line

  • Customer flow

  • Requirements

    • Atome to provide credit limits for each user, SaFi to display data in the various parts of the app

  • Safi to provide

    • Develop frontend

    • Update frontend with credit line

    • Store the credit line of each user

  • Atome to provide

    • API (Get Credit Result API)

  • Opened topics

    • What is the trigger of the update, who will initiate it?

      • SaFi proposal: Atome to push new credit total amount, if it was recalculated.

III. Landing page/ navigation screen

  • Customer flow

    • After successful onboarding (=account matching), SaFi users can access a navigation screen from Dashboard, Loans Product Overview pages.

  • Requirements

    • H5 page that is in line with Atome’s general design

    • At Phase 1, it helps users to initiate QR Code scanning and navigate to ‘Bills'. Content should preferably also cover a short introduction to Atome service.

    • At Phase 2, it will provide users the features of ‘Me’ menu

    • Screen is similar to the screenshot below:

  • Safi to provide

    • Working frontend in SaFi app to initiate Atome plugin

    • Stored token to validate user

  • Atome to provide

    • H5 page

  • Opened questions

    • n/a

IV. Offline QR payment

  • Customer flow

    • pls see below #1-#5

  • Requirements

    • SaFi customers can initiate the QR payment flow once they’ve opened the Atome plugin

    • All screens are done in H5, except where customer is using the camera to scan the QR

    • The default payment method is direct debit and they can not change it to anything else

    • No OTP needed to confirm payment

    • No additional KYC data is needed to confirm payment

    • After the flow is completed, customers are redirected to Navigation page

  • Safi to provide

    • Access to the phone’s camera

  • Atome to provide

    • H5 pages (listed below from #2 to #5)

  • Opened topics

    • What should be the content and the design of the payment confirmation screen (#4)?

    • How does the process end, is the customer redirected to the navigation page?

  1. ‘Scan QR code’ = QR scan ---> no h5 page needed

  2. ‘Payment’ = Add amount and confirm shop

  3. 'Payment method ' = confirm direct debit

  4. Voucher page

  5. ‘Confirmation’ = Review offer and confirm

  6. Change payment method

    1. not needed as agreed w Atome at Aug4

V. Direct Debit payment (backend)

  • Customer flow

    • n/a (FE related parts are discussed at QR Payment of this doc)

  • Requirements

    • Atome will initiate the Safi+Atome joint customers' repayments (installments, fees, etc.) via an API

    • SaFi will process the transactions from customers' main accounts to an internal technical account of SaFi

    • Safi will ‘store’ the payments on this internal account till the settlement (from SaFi to Atome)

    • Settlement: Safi will transfer the balance of this tech account regularly to Atome’s bank account

  • Safi to provide

    • Working API of Direct debit

      • the API will not be checking value of amount or consent validity. The API will simply try to deduct the amount similarly as with debit card payment

    • Reporting CSV

      • Daily reconciliation: daily transactions

      • Monthly reconciliation: all monthly transactions

  • Atome to provide

    • Workflow to initiate payments

    • Share consent data with SaFi

    • Initiate a dispute if there are questions during the monthly reconciliation

  • Opened topics

    • n/a

  • Proposal of the API structure:

VI. Bills

  • Customer flow

    • Screen is accessible from Navigation page only

  • Requirements

    • Atome to provide same payment details as currently available in Atome application

  • Safi to provide

    • n/a

  • Atome to provide

    • H5 page

    • Pls see the screenshot below about the expected content

VII. Me (account management) pages

  • Customer flow

    • Screen is accessible from Navigation page only

  • Requirements

    • Atome to provide same set of features and services as currently available in Atome application

  • Safi to provide

    • n/a

  • Atome to provide

    • H5 page with the following content

      • FAQ

      • Messages

      • Vouchers

      • Refer a friend

      • Contact us (TBD)

    • Not needed to provide

      • Verify now

      • Payment method

  • Opened questions

    • n/a

VIII. Complaint management

  • not discussed currently

IX. Collection

  • not discussed currently

Future: Online payment flow

  1. Lead page to show offers that redirect to merchants' websites

  2. on the merchant website, payment gateway’s deeplink to be disabled. No additional H5 page need to be done

  3. or maybe it’s this screen that is currently not clear