SM-2652 - BO: Customer dashboard In Progress


SM-2676 - Customer Dashboard - Accounts & Cards [tiles] Done



Role: BOFE user (see access matrix)

Objective: As a BOFE user, I want to see customer overview, so that I can better help the customer.

Reason: Ability to see customer products, usage and any other info that can make his experience better.

Main account tile

  • Click on header with chevron will redirect to Main Account

  • Main account balance (see image)

  • If accountState = ACTIVE, green dot, otherwise display red dot

Pockets tile

  • Click on header with chevron will redirect to Pockets

  • Number of pockets in brackets

  • Pockets balance summary (see image)

  • Green dot = one or more pockets are active, otherwise red dot.

Physical cards tile

  • Click on header with chevron will redirect to Cards

  • If at least one physical card is active display “Active“ (green) and allow redirect

  • if at least one physical card, but not active, show “Inactive“ (yellow) and allow redirect

  • If no physical card yet, display “No physical card requested yet” (red) and block redirect

Virtual cards

  • Click on header with chevron will redirect to Cards

  • If at least one virtual card is active display “Active“ (green) and allow redirect

  • if at least one virtual card, but not active, show “Inactive“ (yellow) and allow redirect

  • If no virtual card yet, display “No virtual card requested yet” (red) and block redirect


Acceptance criteria: Display info for Account balance, Number and amount of active pockets, Number and status of physical and digital cards.