

SM-1059 - BO: Cards edit In Progress


SAF-938 - Filling a dispute / chargeback by customer Backlog



 Role: Customer, System, BOFE user (access matrix).

Objective: As a customer, I want to dispute card transactions that I think are not valid. As a Back-Office user, I want to investigate and resolve the dispute.

Reason: Back-Office will need to investigate disputed transactions, determine if they are valid, correct them if necessary and settle with vendor.

When customer makes card transaction, the amount is automatically blocked on the main account. After reconciliation with Mastercard, if everything is accounted for, this amount will be automatically unblocked and transaction posted.

Execution steps:

  1. Customer can dispute transaction by clicking dispute button on that particular transaction detail screen in mobile app and will have to select reason from dropdown field.
    New Jira ticket will be created with this information:

    1. customer id

    2. transaction id

    3. dispute reason

  2. Transaction will be flagged as disputed, so it will not be settled in the next reconciliation

  3. Back-Office investigation / resolving disputes

    1. If transaction is not yet reconciled, the amount will remain blocked, until the dispute investigation by Back-Office is concluded. SAF-938 - Filling a dispute / chargeback by customer Backlog

      1. If the dispute is valid, the funds will be manually unblocked, but the transaction will not be posted, reconciled. The dispute will need to be settled out manually with MasterCard.

      2. If dispute is not valid, Back-Office will reject the dispute, thus removing the dispute flag and the transaction will be posted, reconciled and settled with MasterCard.

    2. If transaction was already reconciled and posted, disputed amount will be credited to customer account (form internal dispute account), but on the block status. SAF-939 - Blocking / unblocking amount (for incoming transactions) Ready for Testing

      1. If dispute is valid, the amount will be unblocked, and dispute will need to be settled out manually with MasterCard.

      2. If dispute is invalid, this amount will be returned to the internal dispute account.

Subject to maker-checker process.

Functional requirements:

  • Disputing transaction via mobile app button

  • Jira endpoint to create ticket with disputed transaction info SM-6669 - Add ticket creation endpoint for card transaction disputes Done

  • Disputed transaction flag, so we can distinguish between transactions blocked because they were not reconciled yet, or blocked, because there is active dispute in progress

  • Valid / invalid dispute result, so Back-Office can manually resolve the process and unblock amount

Design requirements:

Acceptance criteria:

Disputed transactions by customer marked in the cards transaction view. Button to reject / release disputed transactions by back-office. Subject to maker-checker process.
