Epic: SM-1818 - IAM: Authenticate and authorize to CC agent In Progress
Effort estimate:
Review status: in preparation/ready to review/approved

As a Bank User I want to be able to get authorization to bank systems so that I can access and view customer data

Role: Bank User

Objective: Access Customer data

Reason: View data of calling customer

Functional requirements:

Sales agent will have always the data of customer - its the basic access and sales agent who is calling needs to prepare for the call (as the agent needs to see the name, phone number, offer available for customer, customer nps, etc… before the call as the script is linked to the product agent will be offering.)

Data visibility and access will be available to bank user based on the role.

UI requirements: TBD

Process flow: n/a

Execution steps: n/a

Internal dependencies: Back Office

External dependencies: OKTA

Acceptance criteria: TBD

Links to wireframes/UI: TBD