SaFi Bank Space : APK Signature Scheme v3 Android

Android 9 supports APK key rotation, which gives apps the ability to change their signing key as part of an APK update. To make rotation practical, APKs must indicate levels of trust between the new and old signing key. To support key rotation, we updated the APK signature scheme from v2 to v3 to allow the new and old keys to be used. V3 adds information about the supported SDK versions and a proof-of-rotation struct to the APK signing block.


In Android 9 and higher, APKs can be verified according to the APK Signature Scheme v3, v2 scheme, or v1 scheme. Older platforms ignore v3 signatures and try to verify v2 signatures, then v1.

APK signature verification process

Figure 1. APK signature verification process

Implement APK Signature V3 to SaFi Moble App

  1. add a line of code in app/app_safi/android/app/build.gradle

  2. Upgrade gradle version in app/app_safi/android/build.gradle

3. check if our app is already implement APK Signature V3 by run command on terminal:

/Users/YOUR_USER/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/30.0.2/apksigner verify --verbose app-release.apk

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