

SM-576 - BO: Accounts view Done


SM-1075 - Accounts list view Done



Role: BOFE user (see access matrix)

Objective: As a BOFE user, I want to see all customer accounts for a particular customer. Upon clicking on the account I will see account details.

Reason: Overview on a customer, able to make necessary changes on the account.

Functional requirements

List of all customer accounts will be available form left-hand main menu and will include:

  • Main account

  • Saving accounts (pocket accounts)

  • Personal loan accounts

  • Overdraft

Upon click, user will be redirected to detail page.

UI requirements: Menu for account list, so every account is displayed in a separate section.

Links to wireframes/UI:

Acceptance criteria: User can see the list of all accounts for particular customer in left-hand side main menu and can click to follow to the detail page.