


Depositor Code

Unique identification code to match all accounts belonging to same depositor

schema: customers.customer.snapshot.v1


Depositor Type

"I" for Individual;               "C" for Corporate [Corporation and Partnerships]; "O" for One Person Corporation; "S" for Sole/Single Proprietorships";       
 "J" for Joint; and "ITF/By" for Held-in-Trust-For or By account


Depositor Full Name

Complete name of depositor

schema: customers.customer.snapshot.v1

property: ${customer.profile.firstName} ${customer.profile.middleName} ${customer.profile.lastName}

note: middleName is optional


Date of birth, for individual account only;  "  " if not applicable

schema: customers.customer.snapshot.v1

property: customer.profile.dateOfBirth


Spouse of Depositor

Complete name of spouse of depositor
Last Name & Suffix (Jr., Sr, III), First Name, Middle Name 

(customer) we don’t have it

Mother's Maiden Name of Depositor

Complete mother's maiden name of depositor
Last Name, First Name, Middle Name 

(customer) we don’t have it

Philippine Identification System Number (PSN)

PSN, for individual account only;  "  " if not applicable/ available

is it UMID number?

Taxpayer Number

Taxpayer Number of depositor

schema: customers.id_card.snapshot.v1

property: idNumber

when property cardType is TIN

SSS or GSIS Number

SGN, for individual account only;  "  " if not applicable

schema: customers.id_card.snapshot.v1

property: idNumber

when property cardType is SSS

Mobile Number

Mobile Number of depositor

schema: customers.customer.snapshot.v1

property: +${customer.countryCode}${customer.phoneNumber}

Landline Number

Landline Number of depositor

(customer) we don’t have it

Email address

Email address of depositor

schema: customers.customer.snapshot.v1

property: (optional)


Full name of province, please do not abbreviate

schema: customers.customer.snapshot.v1

property: customer.address.province

City/Municipality/ Town

Full name of city or municipality or town, please do not abbreviate

schema: customers.customer.snapshot.v1


Baranggay/ Subdivision/

Full name of baranggay or subdivision or village, please do not abbreviate

schema: customers.customer.snapshot.v1

property: customer.address.barangay

Building/ Unit or House Number/ Street

Unit number, building and street name (for building address); House number and name of street (for house address). Partial abbreviation of name of street/building acceptable (eg. Jose P. Rizal Street may be stated as J.P. Rizal St.)

schema: customers.customer.snapshot.v1

property: customer.address.street


"Y" if depositor has existing loan/s with bank; "N" otherwise

Co-Maker or Guarantor?

"C" if depositor acts as co-maker of an existing loan; "G" if the depositor's deposit account serves as guarantee for existing loan(s) of another person or entity; "H" if the depositor is an owner of an account used as collateral to an outstanding loan(s); "N" otherwise

Deposit Account Number

Bank-issued identification number for the deposit account

Branch name or Code

Branch where the deposit account was opened 

Deposit Type

"SA" for Savings or Special Savings; "TD" for Time Deposit; "DD" for Demand Deposit; "NOW" for Negotiable Order of Withdrawal; "NCTD" for Negotiable Certificate of Time Deposit 

Deposit Sub-Type

Either the product name (eg. Regular Time, Premium Savings, Kiddie Savings)or product code 

Currency Code

3-character code corresponding to the currency of the deposit (eg. USD, PHP, YEN)


Interest Rate

Applicable interest rate on deposit

Date of Last Interest Payment/Posting

Date of bank's last payment/posting of interest on deposit

Last Interest Payment
Cut-off Date

Date last interest payment became or will become due to depositor.  For instance, if last interest payment was made on 03/02/2013, but said interest payment applies for the period 01/01/2013 to 03/31/2013, then the last interest payment cut-off date is 03/31/2013

Issue Date

Date granted for TD

Maturity Date 

Date of maturity, only in the case of term deposit, such as time or special savings

Withholding Tax Rate

Applicable withholding tax rate on interest income

Withholding Tax on Interest Income

Date of last deduction of withholding tax on interest income 

Dormancy Charge

Date of last deduction of dormancy charge from deposit account balance  (Fill up if account status is dormant)

Date of Last Deposit/Withdrawal Transaction

Date of latest deposit or withdrawal transaction

 Available Balance 

Deposit account balance per CASA/ bank records

(Wthdrawable Balance)

 Outstanding Balance 

Deposit account balance per CASA/ bank records


"Y" if restricted (eg. freeze account, under investigation, with pending legal case, or DOSRI accounts);  "N" otherwise

Account Status

"A" for Active Accounts; "D" for Dormant; "ES" for Escheat (due to the Treasurer of the Philippines)