SaFi Bank Space : Authorized Call to Genesys

Call flow description

  1. The customer login into the mobile app

  2. The customer clicks to button make a call

  3. the Mobile app saves info about the call from the app to authorization mS

    1. Customer ID

    2. Timestamp

  4. The Customer makes a call via mobile phone

  5. Genesys is asking the Customer support API to get info about the customer based on MSISDN

  6. the Customer support mS asks the authorization API to get info if the customer is authorized

    1. The authorization mS comaperes MSISDN and the time when this mS is called against the timestamp saved in authorization DB

    2. MSISDN has to be the same and the difference between times has to be less than 45s (can be modified)

  7. Genesys open the BOFE with a URL that contains the Customer ID and the time when that call started

    1. Customer ID =

    2. Time=20220828111112 (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS)

  8. BOFE calls the authorization API to get info about the authorization

Set Authorization

  • Input

    • MSISDN

    • Time Stamp

  • Output

    • 200/4XX

Get Authorization

  • Input

    • MSISDN

    • timestamp → NULL use current / 20220828111112 (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS)

  • Output

    • Authorized= True/False

Cleaning process

the internal process to delete the authorization data older than 1hour