

SM-568 - BO: Jira integration In Progress


SM-1124 - Creating ticket from backend (microservices) Done




Role: system   

Objective: System will be able to create new task (ticket) in Jira from backend (endpoint)

Reason: to notify BOFE agent that there is manual action required or automatic process failed

Functional requirements:

Execution steps: 

Internal dependencies: Dependent on other squads to define all use cases when the the ticket from backend should be created

External dependencies: Dependent on Jira vendor and system integrator for Jira - Unicorn.

Acceptance criteria: After process failure, Jira ticket is generated and assigned to the correct BOFE team based on the nature of the issue (e.g. in case if automatic onboarding fails, ticket will be created by system and will be automatically assigned to the onboarding team within back office).



Ticket Manager

Accounts & Subscriptions

Customer waives the fee, so CC agent can reach out

SM-7231 - Add ticket creation endpoint for waive fee Accepted


Card transaction dispute

SM-6669 - Add ticket creation endpoint for card transaction disputes Done

Loans & Risk

Slacker (Suspicious / Possible Fraud account / Transactions / Triggers) > for manual transaction approval (see transactions)

SM-3629 - Add createTransactionFraudTicket endpoint Done

Acceptance criteria: Ticket manager available for other domains and specific use cases described above.