SaFi Bank Space : Backend to Frontend sync

Considering Kafka message types .

Based on the Kafka design Kafka topic schema management and Kafka configuration . There are generally 2 proposals to approach this:

  1. The MS will filter and transform Kafka Commands, Events, Snapshots to a single dedicated Ably Realtime Kafka topic.

  2. MS is as usual, but developer domain owner will maintain a complex Ably Realtime Kafka Connect configurations which will filter and transform Kafka Commands, Events, Snapshots.

Refer to Ably Kafka Connector to see how to configure Ably Kafka Connector.

To make it easier on the Frontend handler, normally we transform the messages into below structure:

    updatedAt: '27-11-2022',
    customerId: 'customerId',
    entityType: 'card',
    eventName: 'card.created',
    data: {
      cardId: 'cardId',
      status: 'CARD_SUBMITTED',
      image: '/customerId/cardId.webP',
      cardMask: 'XXXXXXXXXXXX1234',
      customerId: 'string',
      accountNumber: 'string',
      updatedAt: '2020-05-06T09:41:27+0000'