Table of contents

1. What’s Backoffice in bank

Backoffice is not visible or available to bank customers, but it helps bank support its front-office and better service the bank customers. That means the Backoffice users are usually bank employees and call-center agents, and so on.

Some use cases for Backoffice:

  1. Backoffice users block some customer’s account because of some security reasons, so that customer cannot do any transactions or other operations. This operation starts a maker-checker flow.

  2. A bank customer wants to know where the requested card is, so he/she makes a call to call-center and call-center agent verifies that customer is a real bank account holder, then query delivery history for the customer. After the call ends, call-center agent will record the communication history in Backoffice.

More services that Backoffice provides will be described below.

2. What services Backoffice provides

To use and login Backoffice, one must be a user in Okta. When a user wants to login, s/he will be redirected to Okta to login first, then redirected back to Backoffice.

Backoffice uses RBAC (role-based access control) to control user’s access. A user has permission to access some resource only if s/he is in a group(role).

2.1 Customer management

A Backoffice user can search a customer by using customer id/Phone/Email/Name/Birthdate/Account number. Backoffice users can then view:

  1. customer’s overview,

  2. customer’s profile,

  3. customer’s subscription,

  4. customer’s audit log history,

  5. customer’s document,

  6. customer’s tickets,

  7. customer’s communication history.

2.2 Account management

View a customer’s main account, pocket, physical/virtual card, card delivery status. A Backoffice user can also make a change as per customer’s request.

2.3 Loan management

View a customer’s personal loan, overdraft, and perhaps the Backoffice users want to make a change as per customer’s request.

2.4 Maker-checker flow

Every change created by a Backoffice user must be approved before applying.

Backoffice consults with Okta to find a maker’s checker.

2.5 Ticketing

A Backoffice user can create a ticket for customer’s request or complaint, then someone from Backoffice team will follow up.

A ticket can also be created by other SafiBank services for example a suspicious transaction found and must double-check by Backoffice CDD team.

2.6 Audit log

All key operations are recorded in audit-log-manager. What operations should be recorded are up to other business domains.

The audit logs should be sent to a dedicated Kafka topic, and then the messages will be processed by Audit-log-manager.

Other business domains must follow How to send audit log messages.

2.7 Meiro & Genesys (in progress)

Meiro is a CDP(customer data platform) software, installed in internal vpc. It helps bank analyze customer’s data and behavior, creates new options (of service or product) that are suitable for customers.

NOTE: it’s under development. We will probably use Kafka to collect data.

Genesys is call-center system. Nothing has to be done but only embed Backoffice-frontend in Genesys for call-center agents to use.

3. The architecture of Backoffice

The picture illustrates how Backoffice interacts with other services:

3.1 The microservices in Backoffice

Backoffice is composed of:

  1. backoffice-manager,

  2. jira-gateway,

  3. ticket-manager,

  4. audit-log-manager,

  5. communication-history-manager,

  6. meiro-gateway

to be continued

4. Development team

Backend engineers:

Frontend engineers: