SaFi Bank Space : Business Glossary

To ensure that all terminologies used within the organization, a centralized Business Glossary will be managed. It will contain different definition that will be used on different output of the Data Team.

Glossary Fields

The Business Glossary will contain the following fields:




The category groups terms similar in context together.


It is unique unit describing the content of the data assets.


Other term used within the organization that has the same meaning as the term

Internal Definition

The Internal Definition define a term and to completely differentiate it to other terms

Other Definition for a third Party

Another definition used specific to a third party such as various Regulatory bodies wherein the organization have lesser control in the term definition

Created by

This refers to the person who set up the glossary entry for a data asset.

Last Updated by

This refers to the person who made the most recent edits to a glossary entry.

Last Update Date

This refers to the most recent edits date to a glossary entry.

Document: Business Glossary Document

Change Process

To streamline the process for any changes in the Business Glossary, the following process flow will be implemented.
