This page briefly explains how the Referrals functionality should work. In general, it is used for referring friends. When these friends successfully onboard and pay for the subscription, the customer who has invited them is eligible for the reward. Invited friend will also get a reward.

Core functionality

Get informed about referrals

As a customer, I want to be informed about the possibility to refer my friends so that I understand the benefits.

Functional requirements

  • The customer is informed about how referral works after clicking on the “How does it work” section

  • Invite the friend’s button is only active when the client has

    • Active subscription

    • is already charged

  • Otherwise, it should be inactive with a message stating that the subscription fee should be paid first.

  • When a customer clicks on Invite your friends, this section is automatically deleted from the main view. There will stay a “How it works button” through which the client can open the “How does it work section”

  • By swiping down the client will close the “How it works” section

  • Until some friend will start the onboarding process, there will be an original tile with an “Invite your friends” button. Once one of the friends onboarded, the component will change on 2.

Acceptance criteria

  • Visibility of referring a friend from the dashboard.

  • Possibility to open “How does it work” section from the button.

  • Functional Swipe down to close the section.


Share referral

As a customer, I want to share referrals with my friends so that they can join Safi bank

Functional requirements:

  • The referral code needs to be unique and it needs to be matched to the customer

  • The Referral link needs to redirect the customer to the Apple store/ Google play so he can download the SaFi app

  • Upon Refer your friend, a new message is generated with the customer’s code and a link with a short description that the friend gets the reward when uses this code upon onboarding

  • There is a list of channels displayed on the screen via which the customer can share the message with the friend he wants to refer

  • Channels: Messanger, Viber, Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram

Execution steps:

  • Generate code (should this be automatically assigned after being charged for the subscription)

  • Generate a link (or the same link for everyone?) → yes

  • Generate message

  • View the message

  • Send the message via channels

Acceptance criteria

  • The customer is able after completing the onboarding view and share the message with the link and the code via one of the channels he is using on his phone

  • A message with the code and link is generated automatically

  • Message can be sent through the channels the customer is using on his/ her phone

  • Each code is unique and attributed to 1 customer

  • The link redirects the customer to the Apple store/ Google play


As a potential customer (Friend), I want to use a referral code from an existing Safi customer so that I can join Safi

Execution steps

  • Receive message with the code and link via email/ WhatsApp / Viber

  • Click on the link

  • Navigate to Google Play / Apple store where Safi application can be downloaded

  • During onboarding complete the field “Referral code” (Handled by the Onboarding squad here)

  • The referral code should be validated immediately after the Friend fills the respective field in the onboarding process

  • After the successful onboarding, the Customer is able to see him in the scrollable list of referrals as Pending (Name + Capital of the surname)

Acceptance criteria:

  • Link correctly navigates customer to Google play / Apple store

  • During onboarding referral code is validated

  • A friend is added to the list of referrals as Pending after the successful onboarding

Show the status of invited friends

As a customer, I want to see on the main referral screen the status of the people who have used my referral code.

Acceptance criteria:

  • When any new customer uses a referral code, he should be visible on the “Your network” screen.

  • For each customer, there should be shown the status of the referral - either pending, claimed, or to claim.

Total referral rewards gathered

As a customer, I want to see on the main referral screen how much reward I gathered in total.

Acceptance criteria

  • Each time a referral cash reward is paid it is added to the total amount of referral rewards paid as well as to the main account balance (as a new transaction)

Receive referral rewards as inviter

As a Customer, I want to a get referral reward for successfully onboarded Friends so that I am motivated to share the referral code with more people.

Functional requirements

  • Once the Friend that used the referral code will be charged for the subscription:

    1. The state of this specific referral in the referrals list should change from PENDING to DONE.

    2. The client should be given the option to claim the reward.

    3. If the client’s subscription is currently frozen, there should be a disclaimer stating that claiming will result in unfreezing the subscription.

  • After clicking the “Claim Reward” button, funds should be deposited into the main account.

Acceptance criteria

  • Scenario 1: The client has an active subscription (It’s not frozen)

    • WHEN The referred friends have finished onboarding, activated the subscription, and paid for it.

    • AND the Client has an active subscription

    • THEN Status of the referral should change from Pending to Done and the client should be able to claim the reward.

  • Scenario 2: The client’s subscription is frozen.

    • WHEN The referred friends have finished onboarding, activated the subscription, and paid for it.

    • AND  The client’s subscription is frozen

    • THEN Status of the referral should change from Pending to Done and the client should be given the option to claim it, but with a disclaimer stating that claiming it will unfreeze his account.

  • Scenario 3: The customer clicked the “Claim Reward” button

    • GIVEN Client’s subscription is active

    • WHEN He clicks the “Claim Reward” button

    • THEN Reward should be deposited into the main account


Receive referral reward as invited friend

As a Customer, I want to a get reward for using a referral code that I received a from former SaFi client.

Functional requirements

  • Once the new customer who used the referral code is

    • onboarded

    • selected their subscription program

    • 3. were charged for it (Actually paid subscription fee)

  • a cash reward is sent to the New customer

Acceptance criteria

  • After the Invited friend has paid for the subscription, he is rewarded.

  • The reward should be automatically deposited to the Invited Friend's main account


Referral link used, onboarding complete, subscription not yet charged

As a customer, I want to be notified when my friend finishes onboarding.

Functional requirement

  • After the referred Friend completes the onboarding process, the Customer should be notified with such kind of a message: “Name +Capital of the Surname” has finished the onboarding

Acceptance criteria

  • Notification regarding the finishing of the onboarding process is sent to a customer.

Referred friend paid for subscription

As a customer I want to be notified once my referred friend is charged for subscription, so that I can claim the reward

Functional requirements

  • After the Friend is charged for subscription, the notification is sent to the Customer with the information that he got a reward and he should claim it.

Acceptance criteria

  • Notification regarding the completion of the process (subscription plan is charged) is sent to a Customer.

Possibility of referring a friend

As a customer, I am notified (one-time) about the possibility to refer friends 2-3 days after being charged for a subscription.