Epic: SM-233 - Cards: Back-office Functions - Management of Cards In Progress

SM-717 - Card Emboss Problem To Do

Priority: TBD
Effort estimate: TBD
Review status: APPROVED

Role: Operator


The BO will initiate a replacement of the lost card


Refer to Domain: Cards

  • Card emboss image problem

  • Card emboss data problem

  • Missing card from the batch list

Operation agent will need to use backoffice to check the image uploaded by Euronet to DZCard and why DZCard rejected the image. Operation agent will have to contact Euronet if necessary for the failure.

Also if any card in the bulk status update file is missing compared to the batch list for that day, then it will also raise an issue in BO. Operation agent will need to check with DZCard why is that particular card is not processed and missing from the bulk status update.

Functional requirements:

  • xxx

UI requirements:

  • xxx

Process flow:

  • n/a

Execution steps:

  • xxx

Internal dependencies:

  • xxx

External dependencies:

  • xxx

Alternative scenarios: n/a

Acceptance criteria:

  • xxx

Links to wireframes/UI:
