Epic: SM-229 - Cards: Card Management System CMS In Progress

SAF-827 - Card Expiration Period Backlog

Review status: APPROVED

Role: Client


The user must be notified in case the card expires in the next 30 days. There must be two levels of notification: early notification managed via SMS and/or Email and right in time notification via push notification in mobile phone.


Email and push notifications are required.

Functional requirements:

  • xxx

UI requirements:

  • xxx

Process flow:

  • n/a

Execution steps:

  • xxx

Internal dependencies:

  • Notification Manager

External dependencies:

  • SMS Service Provider

Alternative scenarios: n/a

Acceptance criteria:

  • The client must be notified min. 30 days before the card will expire

    • 1st level of notification: SMS and Email; 30 days before expiration date

    • 2nd level of notification: push notification; 14 and 7 days before expiration date

Links to wireframes/UI:
