SM-1060 - BO: Cards status view Resolved


SAF-934 - Card status update report integration Ready for Testing




Role: BOFE admin (access matrix)

Objective: As a BOFE admin, I want to get a list of all released cards for the particular date.

Reason: In order check and resolve delivery issues, BOFE should provide list of released cards from EURONET. Such list is available for download via API.

Design requirements:

Reports page section to download the cards status report. Based on the API capabilities, either the current report, or report by date/range (with date picker available) - TBD.

Funcional requirements:

EURONET API access and ability to download daily cards status update report. Access / documentation to be provided by card squad.

See open questions / discussion in the SAF-934 - Card status update report integration Ready for Testing

Acceptance criteria:

Reports page section accessible based on the access matrix and ability to download the daily cards status update report.
