SaFi Bank Space : Change SaFi Mobile App Environment Locally

Setting launch.json in VSCode

1. Download launch.json and save to .vscode/launch.json

2. change environment that you want to use in line 13, for example you can change to nonprod or stage

3. change local config (optional, it will override by remote config)

change env.dart to environtment that you want, it available on app/scripts/tools/env

Setting Environment in Ios/Apple

1. Goto Fastfile and comment on line 66 to 99, and run fastlane stage or fastlane dev on ios folder (app_safi/ios) to change info.plist (don't commit this changes)

2. copy and rename GoogleService-info-{env}.plist from app/scripts/tools/ios to app/app_safi/ios/Runner/GoogleService-info.plist
3. activate flutterfire and run this command on app_safi module, you can change stage to environment that you want, for example nonprod or stage . this is for stage:

flutterfire configure -y --platforms="ios" -m -p "safi-env-stage-apps" -a -i

4. run the app.

Setting Environment in Android

1. run this command on safi_app, then run the app by pressing F5 (don't forget to change environment in launch.json) :

flutterfire configure -y --platforms="android" -m -p "safi-env-stage-apps" -a -i

* note : if you use flutter run to run app in the terminal, you need to export the environment by run this command export environment=stage
