This page will be used for documenting cloud functions and changes. We are using Gen 2 Cloud Functions - Cloud Functions 2nd gen is GA

See also - Pub/Sub Topic Deployment ; Cloud Functions Triggers

Naming Conventions

The naming convention for Cloud Functions in risk will follow the naming convention of businessFunction-subcategory-task. The strings in the name will be “-” dash separated.

For example, slacker-transaction-intrabank-sync indicates a function for evaluating intrabank transactions, and this is used for the main business functionality of synchronously interacting with Slacker.

  • businessFunction - Refers to the main functionality that the cloud function is used for and will be grouped under

    • There can only be one Business Function

    • E.g. stream-xxxxx

  • subcategory - Within the supposed business function, there can be various subtasks that each function performs, related to the categories.

    • Subcategory details are “-” underscore separated

    • Can accept up to 2 subcategories, should be hierarchical in nature, where the second category is intuitively a subset of the first

    • E.g. stream-logging-telestatus-xxxxxx

  • task - Will contain more specific descriptions of the subtask or job handled by each function. Can be anything as long as it is documented.

    • Preferably indicate tasks with a verb whenever possible - E.g. write, score, ingest, etc.

    • E.g. stream-logging-telestatus-fswrite

Github: Cloud Functions Reference

Naming rules for Cloud Functions - Name must start with a letter followed by up to 62 letters, numbers, hyphens or underscores and must end with a letter or a number. Name must also be lower-case.

Business Functions


This refers to all Cloud Functions that will be interacting with Slacker. In general, the functions here will either receive and API request from Slacker and return a decision COMMAND, or the function will listen for some signal from other areas and return an event-triggered COMMAND to slacker.

In general, there are 2 ways to monitor and trigger via Slacker

  • Synchronously using Slacker → Cloud Functions → Slacker command / Response

  • Asynchronously from Pub/Sub → Cloud Functions → Slacker command



Cloud Function Name




In Brave

Ready for Integration Tests

In Stage



Used for handling REST API calls from Slacker in a synchronous workflow. Returns the approval status of cards transactions and relevant Slacker commands. This is for risk and fraud checks.


JSON <HTTP Response>

  • Slacker Command

  • TransactionStatus




Non-AML Transaction Checks: Used for handling REST API calls from Slacker in a synchronous workflow. Returns the approval status of the transaction, with the relevant Slacker commands. This is for risk and fraud checks.

(previously slacker-transaction-intrabank-sync)


JSON <HTTP Response>

  • Slacker Command

  • TransactionStatus





Basically, runs the same checks as slacker-transaction-check-sync and returns the approval status of the transaction, with the relevant Slacker commands. This is used for risk and fraud checks for scheduled transactions.


JSON <HTTP Response>

  • Slacker Command

  • TransactionStatus



This refers to all Cloud Functions that will be be involved in some form of decisioning but not for interacting with Slacker. These functions can, for instance, interact with other microservices or 3rd Party Workflows such as One Stop Platform.

In general, these functions will accept some API request and return some decision response based on the received message. Also, they will most likely follow a synchronous workflows

Due to the low-latency requirements of synchronous processes, the future workflow will include AlloyDB. Meaning to say, a SQL query to extract the given features will be ran against AlloyDB, which will return the results of that query. The query results are then not only returned as a response, but also written to the Online FeatureStore for further processing.

This achieves 3 things:

  1. Low-latency with AlloyDB’s capabilities, allowing for millisecond queries

  2. Reduce the need to continually run SQL queries in BigQuery in order to refresh the online FeatureStore with the latest queries

  3. Only relevant feature values and entity_id that have been triggered by decisioning workflows, will be written to the FeatureStore. This prevents a flood of continuous feature ingestions from step (2) of which most will not be used for decisioning anyway


Cloud Function Name




In Brave

Ready for Integration Tests

In Stage



Used to check the values from devicelabel_history_features, which is part of the device_fingerprint_fs. This is largely used for anti-fraud rules.

Execution logic:

  1. Pull devicelabel_features entity_type from device_fingerprint_fs online featurestore

  2. Retrieve time series calculation from devicelabel_history_features entity_type based on last ingestion

  3. Returns the time series features as response

JSON Message with customerId as referenceId


JSON <HTTP Response>





Returns the device fingerprint features of given customerId to OSP for risk decisioning. Also returns a device fingerprint score as well.

Execution Logic:

  1. Pull devicelabel_features entity_type from device_fingerprint_fs online featurestore

  2. Calculate the device fingerprint score from the devicelabel_features and return the output

JSON Message with customerId as referenceId


JSON <HTTP Response>




Evaluates customer’s risk and returns decision whether the loan application should be approved or declined

JSON Message with customerId as referenceId


JSON <HTTP Response>





This is used for evaluating a customer’s recommended and maximum loan amount, as part of the loans product table recommendation. Returns a response with the necessary parameters that can be translated downstream to retrieve a product from the recommendation table.

JSON <HTTP Response>




  • decision-fraudlist-addresscheck

  • decision-fraudlist-blackcheck

  • decision-fraudlist-whitecheck

Used for checking the presence or absence of a value in a specified list from a HTTP request

JSON Message with list of parameters to be queried


JSON <HTTP Response>








This refers to all Cloud Functions related to ingesting from data streams (Kafka or Pub/Sub) and perform some task on it. This can also cover ingesting data from continuous async/sync REST API calls.

The functions here in general will operate asynchronously and are not expected to return a response as part of the data ingestion process.

Example of Stream Setup for Writing to Online FeatureStore or BigQuery

  • One current stream is that from Kafka Topics - Kafka Topic --> Pub/Sub --> Cloud Function

  • Another “stream” would be that from the Logging functionality of One-Stop-Platform - OSP --> Cloud Function

  • A successful ingestion will display a message similar to the one below, with status 200. This message can be viewed in the logs of the given Cloud Function

SUCCESS - TEST12-edf261c1-53f4-43fc-b88b-1573e0c82691 - Written to device_fingerprint_fs: devicelabel_features
SUCCESS - TEST12-edf261c1-53f4-43fc-b88b-1573e0c82691 - Written to device_fingerprint_fs: risklabel_features
RESPONSE LIST: [(200, 'devicelabel_features'), (200, 'risklabel_features')]

Kafka Topics → Pub/Sub Topic → Cloud Function → FeatureStore/BigQuery


Cloud Function Name




In Brave

Ready for Integration Tests

In Stage



Parses the Device Fingerprint response from the given Pub/Sub topic and writes the output to the Online FeatureStore

Device Fingerprint Kafka Topic → Pub/Sub → Cloud Function → Writes to Online Featurestore device_fingerprint_fs

FS: Device Fingerprint

JSON Message from Kafka Topic

HTTP Response Status Code on whether the features have been successfully written to device_fingerprint_fs

200 = Success





Parses the Customer Snapshot payload from the given Pub/Sub topic and writes the output to the Online FeatureStore

Device Fingerprint Kafka Topic → Pub/Sub → Cloud Function → Writes to Online Featurestore customer_application_form_fs

FS: Customer Application Form

JSON Message from Kafka Topic

HTTP Response Status Code on whether the features have been successfully written to customer_application_form_fs

200 = Success





Parses the OCR Lite Response from the given Pub/Sub topic and writes the output to the Online FeatureStore ekyc_fs


JSON Message from Kafka Topic

HTTP Response Status Code on whether the features have been successfully written to ekyc_fs

200 = Success





Parses the Liveness Detection and Facial Verification Response from the given Pub/Sub topic and writes the output to the Online FeatureStore ekyc_fs


JSON Message from Kafka Topic

HTTP Response Status Code on whether the features have been successfully written to ekyc_fs

200 = Success





Parses the incoming Cards message payload, from the given Pub/Sub topic and writes the output to the Online FeatureStore cards_fs

FS: Cards Transaction

JSON Message from Kafka Topic

HTTP Response Status Code on whether the features have been successfully written to ekyc_fs

200 = Success


OSP Logging → REST API Request → Cloud Function → FeatureStore/BigQuery


Cloud Function Name




In Brave

Ready for Integration Tests

In Stage

One Stop Platform


Parses the OSP Logging Response from Telco Behaviour Score into telco_score_fs FeatureStore and BigQuery

FS: Telco Behaviour Score (FinScore)

Logging JSON Message from One-Stop-Platform

HTTP Response Status Code on whether the features have been successfully written to telco_score_fs

200 = Success


One Stop Platform


Parses the OSP Logging Response from Tele Status Service into tele_status_check_fs FeatureStore and BigQuery

FS: Tele Status Check

Logging JSON Message from One-Stop-Platform

HTTP Response Status Code on whether the features have been successfully written to tele_status_check_fs

200 = Success


One Stop Platform


Parses the OSP Logging Response from Email Detection (Seon) into seon_email_fs FeatureStore and BigQuery

FS: Seon (Email Detection)

Logging JSON Message from One-Stop-Platform

HTTP Response Status Code on whether the features have been successfully written to seon_email_fs

200 = Success


One Stop Platform


Parses the OSP Logging Response from Social Media Detection (Seon) into seon_social_media_fs FeatureStore and BigQuery

FS: Seon (Social Media Check)

Logging JSON Message from One-Stop-Platform

HTTP Response Status Code on whether the features have been successfully written to seon_social_media_fs

200 = Success


One Stop Platform


Parses the OSP Logging Response from Identity Check into cibi_identity_fs FeatureStore and BigQuery

FS: CIBI Identity Check

Logging JSON Message from One-Stop-Platform

HTTP Response Status Code on whether the features have been successfully written to cibi_identity_fs

200 = Success



Data ingestion related, but not related to processing from data streams. Examples include nightly batch ingestion jobs. For now, this is under the purview of the data engineering team.


Cloud Function Name




In Brave

Ready for Integration Tests

In Stage



Used for nightly batch jobs to the device_fingerprint_fs FeatureStore, temporarily triggered by Cloud Scheduler (CRON) job.

Writes to the entity_type devicelabel_history_features of the above featurestore.

A HTTP Request containing the source tables and source dataset in BigQuery

HTTP Response Status Code on whether the features have been successfully written to device_fingerprint_fs



This refers to all Cloud Functions that will be be deploy as part of data science or machine learning pipelines. For instance, reading a deployed model, etc. This is currently inactive.


Cloud Function Name




In Brave

Ready for Integration Tests

In Stage



Example Only


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