SaFi Bank Space : Collections Team Code of Conduct.

This section shall discuss the expectations and the mode to which business is conducted in the Collections team.

This will touch in to the following aspects of the business

  1. Operating hours.

  2. Attendance

  3. Conduct on shift

  4. Regulatory Requirement

  5. Do’s and Dont’s

1.Operating Hours

The Internal collections teams in the bank will have a general have coverage from 8:00 AM till 5:00PM Monday to Friday.

However the call center team shall have general coverage from 8:00AM till 9:00 PM. Monday till Sunday

Groups in Collections

  • Early Collections

    • Collections Teams (To be defined)

  • Late Collections

    • Field

    • Agency Management (EXA)

    • Legal

  • Collections Training and Quality

  • Collections Analytics

The Early collections team will compose the biggest organic unit within collections team this group shall compose majority of the banks internal collections employees. Their operating hours will also vary based on business requirements and what is allowed by the law.

  • Outbound Collections coverage of work is from 8:00 AM till 9:00 PM from Monday till Sunday. (may change based on business needs. As per Fair Debt Collections guidelines Collections calls are not to be made before 6 AM and after 10 PM)

    • Pre-Collections

    • 1-30 DPD

    • 31-60 DPD

    • Skiptracing team

    • Pre-NPL/Termination

  • Inbound Collections team shall have coverage from 9:00AM till 10:00PM Monday to Sunday (may change based on business needs)

Shifting Schedules within the time coverage will be implemented to insure that the team is ready to service clients of the bank and has collections specialist ready to service the accounts of the clients.



A Collections Specialist is required to render 5 days a week duty covered by an 8 hr. shift per day with 1 hour unpaid break and 30mins of paid breaks per day.

A collections specialist and similar non- mass functions(Team Supervisors, Quality Specialist, Trainers) are mandated to report to work on their scheduled work time. No grace period shall be provided unless due to fortuitous events such as but not limited to (Weather disturbances, Disaster, Fortuitous events justifying being late for work.)

Shift Schedule may be programmed to follow a specific time start and end and may vary from month to month per team and per position.

ex. 8-5, 10-7, 12-9, 1-10

The business may encourage over-time work subject to the needs of the business. Such occurrences shall be communicated at least 5 hours prior to the end of each shift.


Violation of conduct for attendance shall follow regular schedule of penalties as mandated the general COC on attendance (SAFI Bank).

  • Tardiness- no grace period for operational teams for daily attendance. Specifically those who are working on the call center operations.

  • Shift movement -May be made available for independent contributors such as (Trainers , QA)

  • Absenteeism shall be covered by the regular HR policy.

3.Conduct during Shift

Call Center

  1. All Collections Specialist and Supervisors should be on shift on their pre-arranged schedules. (On shift means ready to take calls).

    1. Specialist and Supervisors should clock in their attendance to the system and log out after shift.

    2. Supervisor should make sure that all assigned representatives have correctly log in their credentials prior and at the end of each shift.

  2. Break schedules are to be strictly adhered to. (Over breaks can considered a violation of the attendance policy.)

    1. There will be 2 paid 15mins breaks in a working day.

    2. 1Hr per day unpaid breaks.

Break schedules are subject to workforce planning. All call center employees are expected to abide by the set schedules.

  1. It is expected that all Specialist/Representatives report all systems issue encountered during shift which would hinder them to comply with the rules on attendance. Such must be logged by their supervisors in an exceptions database.

  2. Proper decorum should be observed during the shift; Horseplay and excessive noise are strictly discourage.

  3. Strictly No phone while on shift for Call Center Operations.

    1. The nature of the business is financial. Access to customer information is a necessity for servicing.

    2. Strict adherence to no phone on the floor shall be enforced.

    3. Violation of such will constitute a major operational risk.

    4. All personal phones shall be turned over to a supervisor prior to the start of the shift. Such can be retrieved during breaks. Incases where an employee is expecting an emergency. The supervisor shall take hold of the phone and would inform the employee when a call has been made.

Call Center Do’s and Don't. (Operator/Specialist)

Collections is a regulated function of the bank. Therefore adherence to existing regulations, policies and good practices are to be observed.

  1. Data Privacy act of the Philippines

  2. Fair debt Collections Practices act. (SEC memo. cir. 18)

The below items clarify what is allowed and what is not in the activities related to collections.

As such violations of the below items constitute a major offence.

*Penalties to be agreed.

I. Do’s

  1. Always be polite and respectful to the customer even when the customer is not.

    1. If the customer raises his/her voice or uses vulgar language then end the conversation after informing the customer that he/she can be called at a time of convenience.

  2. Always ask for a return call from the customer if the person on the other line is a 3rd party. Also ask for updated contact details of the customer , if any

a. Please inform Mr. / Ms. _________ that we would like to hear from him/her soon. He / She can reach me through (Bank Hotline), my name is _________. (Ask the person on the other line to repeat your number and your name to verify if it was really taken down).

3. Listen to the customer and show empathy when necessary Learn and provide correct computations related to the accountFor anything that you don’t know or when in doubt , ask your Supervisor.

4.Inform the customer that the call is recorded. Inform the customer ,the correct interest rate and late fees.

II. Dont’s

  1. Never Impersonate any third party when communicating with the customer.

    1. Hi Maam, This is Atty Dela Cruz from Law Firm. I personally called to inform you that you need to settle your balance to avoid having problems with our Legal Department.

  2. Misrepresent or  provide any false information /false threat of any legal action when none is being planned.

    1. I am from the Legal Department and I have the written demand letter for you. This is your last chance to settle your loan balance unless you want a case filed against your name.

  3. Call customers before 7 am and after 9 pm.

  4. Use  violence /threats of violence or other criminal means.

  5. Use obscene vocabulary or raise your voice   when communicating with the customer, even if provoked /even if the customer is doing so.

  6. Provide customer or account details / status to 3rd parties* even if such third parties are immediate family members

    1. Reference Persons can be contacted  to seek information on customer’s whereabouts , contact details and no more additional information is to be provided.

    2. As per Data Privacy act only general information can asked from a 3rd pty regarding the customer. (Updated phone#, updated address, under no circumstances should the loan details or reference to a loan be provided to a 3rd pty)

  7. Use any personal device to communicate (call, message, mail etc.) with the customer.

    1. Personal communication device are to be surrendered prior to taking calls.

    2. Calls and other messaging activities to a customer or 3rd pty relating to an account handled are only to be done using official bank approved methods.

  8. Send any unauthorized communication (mail/message)

    1. All client communication should have prior management review and approval.

  9. Make false promises to a customer which cannot be done.

    1. Waiving of fees when there is no intention of waiving such.

    2. Committing to an action that cannot be done.

10.Post any information (derogatory or otherwise) about the customer in any social media /online platform.

11.Use sarcasm while communicating with the customer

*”So you don’t know how to process the payment yet you managed to process the loan application?”

12.Use analogies that may belittle the customer

13.Make references to any religion /religious practice/religious occasion as a reason to convince/ influence the customer

14.Shame the customer about his/her obligations

15.Pass any discriminatory comments (based on customer’s voice, gender, location/province, surname, race, job nature, family/marital status, religion, language)

16.Direclty receiving money from the client as a way to settle the account.
*Directly receiving payment from the client as a means to pay the account is stricly prohibited unless authorized by the banks management. Authorization of such action shall be recorded via email for documentation.

17.Must not keep customer information unless authorized to do so, either in your office computer or in any record manual or electronic.


Dos and Donts.xlsx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet)
Dos and Donts.xlsx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet)
Dos and Donts.xlsx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet)