The mobile app uses Firebase remote config for our maintenance mode flag. SM-7373 - Maintenance mode mobile app Done

So the Backoffice to be able to set maintenance mode for all our mobile app. This will block the mobile app from using or calling our backend.

1. Dedicated Service account to access Firebase remote config

SM-8013 - Dedicated Service account to access Firebase remote config. To Do

Create a service account to access Firebase remote config.

2. Publish maintenance mode flag to Firebase remote config

SM-8014 - BO: add endpoint to update maintenance mode config To Do

Call Firebase remote config API to enable or disable maintenance mode flag com_fl_maintenanceMode.

Role: BOFE users (all?)

Objective: As a fittable BOFE user I can update the maintenance mode flag: com_fl_maintenanceMode in the Firebase Remote config.

Reason: The mobile app uses Firebase remote config for our maintenance mode, so it needs a place to publish the config.

Functional requirements:

com_fl_maintenanceMode: true/false

Acceptance criteria:

Correctly update the com_fl_maintenanceMode in the Firebase Remote config.

3. Publish maintenance mode schedule downtime to Firebase remote config

SM-8014 - BO: add endpoint to update maintenance mode config To Do

Call Firebase remote config API to configure the date time string to tell our Customer about the maintenance mode schedule downtime. com_ac_maintenanceModeTime string.

Role: BOFE users (all?)

Objective: As a fittable BOFE user I can update the maintenance mode flag: com_ac_maintenanceModeTime in the Firebase Remote config.

Reason: The mobile app uses Firebase remote config for our maintenance mode, so it needs a place to publish the config.

Functional requirements:

com_ac_maintenanceModeTime: DateTime string

Acceptance criteria:

Correctly update the com_ac_maintenanceModeTime in the Firebase Remote config.
