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IAM: Bank user identity and access management SM-1850 Create a bank user Story Tadeáš Ursíny Medium 1.0 Done Done SM-1463 , SM-2358 , SM-1465

Review status: approved

As a Bank User Administrator I want to be able to create Bank User profile so that the Bank User can securely access the Back-Office bank system

Role: Bank User Administrator

Objective: Create bank user account for use in Back-Office bank system

Reason: Bank Users need access to the Back-Office bank system

Functional requirements:

Onboarding a Bank User is a manual process via the OKTA UI.

Bank User Administrator sets up the password policy in OKTA.

Bank User Administrator can create the user (identified by email), team/group memberships, checker user link.

Bank User password is set by the users themselves based on the pre-set password policy.

Bank User Access will depend on the role: Bank User will be either a Maker or a Checker. Each team has Maker and Checker. Checker is responsible for approving request Maker has created.

Bank User can be member of multiple teams/groups if bank user is hybrid operator and/or checker.

UI requirements: n/a

Process flow: n/a

Execution steps: n/a

Internal dependencies: Back-office

External dependencies: OKTA

Acceptance criteria:

  • Bank User Administrator can create a Bank User (identified by email)

  • Bank User Administrator can assign (multiple) group/team membership to the Bank User

  • Bank User Administrator can set checker user link.

  • Default password policy is set to

    • minimum 8 characters

    • must contain at least 1 upper case and 1 lower case letter

    • must contain at least 1 number

    • must contain at least 1 symbol

    • must not contain first name, last name, part of the username

  • Simple Documentation is available at Manual user management with screenshots how to do the above.

  • After creation an email sent to the user with a link that can be used to set up the password based on the pre-set password policy.

Links to wireframes/UI: n/a