SaFi Bank Space : Create generic micro-service github actions

This document assumes/follow common patterns of the current process and serves as a basic guide to to deploy microservices using github actions. Please update this document regularly.

Step 1. Upload codes to the mono repo

Most backend microservices are stored under SaFIMono/services folder, still will depend on what type of application you are trying to build.

Step 2. Prepare secrets and infra


    create_postgres: true
    inject_secrets: #LEGACY, NO EFFECT
      - kafka
      - temporal

#create_postgres(bool) true or false
Creates postgreql resources user, pass, database and store these info to hc-vault

LEGACY, don't use, can be deleted with caution

List your app under microservices, follow the format of other applications, this will create secrets and infra needed for you application and will trigger the following TF pipelines. If no errors from plan, apply accordingly.

  1. (creates github secrets)

  2. (creates GCP SA’s, bindings and hc-vault secrets)

  3. (creates dns entry in all env)

Step 3. Create github actions file

After pushing your changes, it’s time to create your actions yaml files.
source: .

  1. app-my-awesome-app.yml

  2. app-my-awesome-app-{env}.yml

  3. app-my-awesome-app-validate.yml

Step 4. Create Deployment files

Step 5. Run/Test the build

Step 6. Update this document

If there are new process or changes to this document, please do your share and have this updated (smile)