Role: System

Objective: Customer main’s account is created.

Reason: The customer needs to have a main account to use the system.

Functional requirements:

  • Happens after successful onboarding during the welcome screen. It can be either:

    • after automatic approval

    • after manual approval

  • The account is set as the main account for the customer.

  • The account name is set to name of the customer.

  • The account is set to an inactive state.

  • The account balance is 0.

  • The account number is generated:

    • Check digit algoritm is Mod 11

    • Format is P-NNNN-NNNN-C

      • P - Product Type - use 0 for now

      • N - Number - it is up to us to choose how it is generated

      • C - Check Digit

  • There won’t be any international account number.

UI requirements: Nothing special, happens in the background.

Acceptance criteria

  • There is only one main account for the customer.

  • The main account is created in our database and TM Vault.

  • Outgoing transactions are not possible (as the account has zero balance), but creating pocket is enabled

Links to wireframes/UI: N/A