SM-1188 - BO: Offboarding by BO agent Done


SM-1191 - Initiate offboarding procedure Done



Role: BOFE user (see access matrix)

Objective: As a BOFE user, I want to offboard customer and close the account.

Reason: Either customer wishes to close his account, or is in violation of terms and conditions and the account must be closed by bank.


  1. Offboarding initiated by customer

    1. Customer calls and requests closing his account and is informed about the conditions, and that this is definitive process.

    2. Customer needs to follow the instructions described here to withdraw the money and freeze the account

    3. BOFE user will first check if all conditions are met: SM-1189 - Check for conditions for offboarding Done

    4. BOFE user can then proceed with offboarding SM-1191 - Initiate offboarding procedure Done

    5. Customer state is set to pending offboarding and all domains will start the offboarding process. When finished, status will change to offboarded.

  2. Offboarding initiated by Bank

    1. BOFE user will set customer account to block status

    2. BOFE user will manually follow the offboarding steps described here

    3. BOFE user will first check if all conditions are met: SM-1189 - Check for conditions for offboarding Done

    4. BOFE user can then proceed with offboarding SM-1191 - Initiate offboarding procedure Done

    5. Customer state is set to pending offboarding and all domains will start the offboarding process. When finished, status will change to offboarded.

Functional requirements:

  • Offboarding button and modal with condition checks

  • Valid ticket id field, as this is maker-checker process

Design requirements:

Acceptance criteria:

Offboarding conditions check, when offboarding button is pressed. If all conditions are met, user can proceed with including the valid ticket id and offboarding. After approval, the customer state will be set to “pending offboarding“ and “ofboarded“ afterwards all domains will finish their procedures.