Epic: SM-4692 - IAM: Authenticate and authorize with step up requirement (MVP-P2) In Progress
Effort estimate:
Review status: in preparation/ready to review/approved

As a customer, I want to change my passcode.

Role: Customer

Objective: change passcode

Reason: authenticate customer identity and/or authorize an action

Functional requirements:

Registered customer can change passcode that has already been set

New Passcode cannot be same as previous Passcode

Present Passcode rules/criteria to the user - 6 digit number

New Passcode and Re-enter New Passcode entry should be masked while customer enters it

Green approval check mark next to 'New Passcode' data field indicating to the user after typing Passcode that the meets criteria

Red mark next to 'New Passcode' data field should be displayed that indicates to the user after typing Passcode that does not meet criteria

Validate inputs in 'New Passcode' and 'Re-enter Passcode' match

Green check mark next to 'Re-enter' password data field should be displayed that indicates to the user after typing if passwords match

If password entered does not match criteria specified and user hits Submit, show error alert.

If entries in 'New Passcode' field and 'Re-enter Passcode' do not match and customer clicks Submit, show error alert.

After successful validation of all entered Passcode fields and on clicking Submit, show message indicating successful passcode reset and route customer to ‘non-first time’ Login screen

UI requirements: Please see Functional Requirements above

Process flow: n/a

Execution steps: n/a

Internal dependencies: Onboarding

External dependencies:

Acceptance criteria:

User will need to enter the following input data fields :

  1. New Passcode

  2. Re-enter/confirm New Passcode

  3. Customer can login with new passcode

  4. Please see Functional reqs above

Links to wireframes/UI: https://www.figma.com/file/tRf8Yn8NSW3aO3oQ1XqVrQ/SaFi---UI-(WIP---Do-not-share)?node-id=5388%3A274873