Onboarding squad not in MVP




SM-594 - BO: Customer profile view Done


SAF-966 - Customer consent management Backlog



Role: BOFE user (see access matrix)

Objective: I as a BOFE user I want to see customer consent management, so that I can confirm why is he receiving the marketing messages or change his consent upon request.

Reason: Customer might be confused, or simply not happy with the messages from marketing. He might not be aware of the option to opt out, so agent can do that for him. On the other hand, he might be missing interesting offers, so upon verbal agreement (call is recorded), he might opt in customer on his behalf.


See: Consent mng. system

What kind of consents can be edited?

  • Just marketing campaigns?
  • Some predefined consents?
  • All available consents?

Functional requirements:

  • Get list of consents form CMS (consent management system) and display yes/no values.

  • Upon verbal agreement, agent can click on a button to opt-in / opt-out user of that particular consent type.

Acceptance criteria: