SM-484 - BO: Customer search Done




Customer search

Role: BOFE user (see access matrix)

Objective: As a BOFE user, I want to search for a particular customer, so I can see customer’s profile and information related to the profile

Reason: In order to  help customer with his/her inquiries, problems, complaints, I need to have access to customer profile

Functional requirements: users can search for a customer using several search criteria (filters). Those criteria should be as follows:

  • Customer ID SM-598 - As a BO user I want to find a customer by ID Accepted

  • Phone number SM-599 - As a BO user I want to find a customer by phone number Accepted

  • Email address SM-602 - As a BO user I want to find a customer by email Accepted

  • Customer name + date of birth SM-600 - As a BO user I want to find a customer by names & date of birth, also account number Accepted

  • Account number

BOFE user can pick which search criteria should be used

UI requirements:

Execution steps: User selects search criteria and starts typing in the search field based on chosen criterion. Front-end checks should apply for search field inputs (e.g. for search based on phone number or Customer ID input should be in numerical value only, while e.g. name search should be in text value etc…). Every type of search input field should have defined values. When finding exact match, user will be redirected to customer dashboard.

Internal dependencies:

External dependencies: N/A

Alternative scenarios:

  • User can not find customer using any searching criteria - error message will appear.

  • User will find multiple customers. In that case additional information will be displayed, so user can assess which account is the right one. Additional information:

    • Date of birth (unmasked)

    • Phone number (and if is verified)

    • Email address

    • Street and street number

Acceptance criteria: User can successfully search for a customer based on defined criteria (Customer ID, Phone number, Email address, Customer name + date of birth, Account number). In case of successful match, user will be redirected to customer dashboard. In case of multiple results, additional information will be displayed for each result (Date of birth (unmasked), Phone number (and if is verified), Email address, Street and street number)
