Epic: SM-36 - ONB: Get onboarded - KYC Done
User story: SM-2665 - Customer video call for verification - Immediate Done


User story: As a customer I want to get connected immediately to the bank agent via video so that my verification can be completed.

Role: Customer

Objective: To establish an immediate video connection between Customer and the bank agent in case when vKYC is required.

Reason: A human verification of the Customer during onboarding in case

Functional requirements:

  1. Customer is offered to start a video call immediately or to set a scheduled call (i.e. being called back in a set time)
    IF Choosing a subscription in Onboarding flow https://www.figma.com/file/dkDQHRa1zq7tU58MiL6hBR/SaFi---UI---MVP-(Shared)?node-id=484%3A8237 AND
    OSP returns the Customer risk assessment value ordering vKYC

  2. vKYC Agent should be able to access the following data in BoFi:
    - Face match & Liveness check result
    - Phone number duplicity check result
    - Matrix duplicity check result
    - Face search duplicity check result
    - OSP risk assessment result
    - Questionable data (from checks)
    - ID photo
    - Selfie photo
    - Tone of voice
    - All other data from KYC will be available in Customer Profile (Name, Address info, Additional information, etc.)

  3. Customer manager provides all data, which are not available in BoFi, via API to vKYC as well.

  4. After VKYC call, vKYC will result in:




  1. Customer has gone through the whole VideoKYC process

  2. Agent has submitted records.

  3. Agen has decided that Customer IS eligible for successful onboarding

  4. vKYC returns to Customer Manager info about Success.


  1. Customer has gone through the whole VideoKYC process

  2. Agent has submitted records.

  3. Agen has decided that Customer IS NOT eligible for successful onboarding

  4. vKYC returns to Customer Manager info about Rejection.


  1. Customer closes call while waiting in the queue, without setting a scheduled call

  2. Customer closes call during the call

  3. Agent can’t decide on result (missing data or guidline)


  1. Customer closes the call while waiting in the queue and sets a scheduled call

  2. Agen closes the call due to a weak internet connection, notification is sent to the Customer for a scheduled call.

UI requirements: SM-2256 - DES: Final screen with vKYC Done

Process flow: N/A

Execution steps: See Functional requirements

Internal dependencies: N/A

External dependencies: vKYC platform / AAI

Alternative scenarios:
1. No or weak internet connection → Sheduled call

2. vKYC agent won’t receive any data → Failed call

Acceptance criteria:
See Functional requirements.

Links to wireframes/UI:https://www.figma.com/file/0LEEFZgkUnPkPTkY9PMREt/SaFi---WF-%26-UI-(Shared)?node-id=1946%3A23531