The DPD (Date past due)

Reference to the date an account is in after passing thru its scheduled due date/ payment date (day-0)

  • A major reference point in collections. Which the future risk mitigation actions are directed. (Strategy)

  • Measured in days after breaching current (0 DPD).

  • Segmented into 30 day/s period from 1 DPD till Written off(180DPD).

The below information provides the necessary inputs towards what are the actions attributed to the DPD; when changes, description and its tolerances.

For Collections DPD is associated with a matching amortization amount and when such amount should be expected from a debtor.

Deviation from the scheduled amortization amount on the due date is subject to the allowed tolerances that would affect;

  • DPD level (Delinquency level-Movement from DPD level to another)

  • Penalties







0 -zero amortization due for the period


For DPD 0 or negative number means current.

1 +

There are payment/s due for the period and the account is in collections.


The DPD movement can be defined as;

  • -Roll Forward (Regression) account has increase delinquency number

  • -Roll Back ( Progress) account improved its delinquency number

  • -Stabilized Account stayed at its current Delinquency level

  • -Resolved-Account has moved to Zero DPD

Movement is depending on the payments made on an account.


*Upon reaching the termination stage (91+) where the loan is due in its entirety (Terminated/Accelerated). The DPD on an account is only stopped upon payment of the entire amount due. (Recovered)






Due date

The date the account is due.



Add on amount added to the schedule payment due.

  • Penalty for not following the payment schedule

  • Shall vary per product and balance.

  • Penalties are set at;

1.For Overdraft/Subscription

  • One the 1st month (30days) a 49 pesos extension fee is provided to the client for an extension period of another 30days.

  • After the extension period if the client is still late they are charged a fixed fee of ;

    • 50 pesos for OD balances of 500 0r less and

    • 100 pesos

*TBD concept.

2.For Loans

  • 500 per late fee, per month.

  • Is assessed 5 days after the due date.(500)

  • Once the account moves to collections on the 6th day or DPD 6 the account will be assessed a late fee (500).

  • Once it reaches 30 DPD on the 36th another penalty shall be assessed (500)

  • Once it reaches 60 DPD on the 66th day a 500 late fee shall be assesse.

  • Once the account reaches 90 DPD on the 91st day a late fee (500) shall be assess and there is no more grace period.

  • Then if 90DPD and no payment to move one bucket back. Account will be terminated on the 91st.


The level of delinquency/delay of an account following its default from its original schedule.

If the amount paid has a deficiency of less than to equal than 100 pesos to move a DPD or becomes delinquent and the account is either current (0 DPD) or is delinquent and the DPD range is between 1-90 DPD.

  • The account shall retain its current status (O) if its current.

  • The account will not move DPD if delinquent (1-90)

  • The account shall not be charge a late fee.

  • The deficit shall be included in the current amount due that would appear in the systems (Web app, Loxon, Bofie) in the next billing cycle.

*Accounts Equal to Greater than 91 DPD are already terminated and the DPD movement will not be hindered until it is written off or is fully recovered.

*DPD retain if; (Example)

  • Amount due minus payment is equal to less than 100

    • Amount due 1000

    • Payment is 950

    • deficient amount is 50

    • No movement of DPD

*DPD retain if;

  • Amount due minus payment is greater than 100

    • Amount due is 1000

    • Payment is 900

    • Deficient amount is 100

    • DPD moves.

DPD Level segments

  1. 0-Current

  2. Early

  • 1-30

  • 31-60

  • 61-90

  1. Late

  • 91-120 (Terminated)

  • 121 to 150

  • 151-180

  • 180+(Write-off)