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Attendees: Nov 25, 2022 Part 1

Peter Kmec (Unlicensed) Peter Luknár (Unlicensed) Gnanasekaran Gajendiran Lucky La Torre (Unlicensed) Fol Justin Lacsina (Unlicensed) Regin Villamor (Unlicensed) Joebert Jacaba (Unlicensed)

Attendees: Nov 28, 2022 Part 2

  • Responsibilities

    • Kafka

      • Confluent Cloud Kafka

        • Do you have any confluence doc created that will give us some idea of the current Confluent Cloud setup?

        • Can you mention what are the manual stes that needed to be done and that may needs to be automated?

          • Retrieval of group id only, no manual config creation

        • Any possible scaling issues that we may encounter?

          • cku only way to scale

        • Do you see any issue that may arise in prod with the current package/subscription?

          • since we have dedicated, there should be no issues in re to the package/subscription

        • Any incompatibility issues we need to be aware of?

          • only the registry api key that lacks the support on tf

        • Any existing open issues with the provider we need to be aware of?

          • none

        • For Confluent Vendor, did you have any internal comms with the vendor, whats the name of the person/product manager/support if there is one?

          • slack channel - ask ion to invite the safi #confluent_kafka

        • Are all the applications now pointed to the confluent cloud kafka?

          • brave is the only one

          • old stage is using the kafka vm

          • old dev?

          • dedicated cluster in the old dev that we are using for TM 4.4.1 that is still using internal kafka

            • next step on tm 4.4.1 is to finalize the oauth comms and to test the connection to the ccloud kafka

      • Do we have any dangling kafka resources that needs to be deleted or not in use or still in use by dev but soon we have to delete them as they are redundant?

        • confluent marketplace - needs to be deleted from dispatcher

      • Is there anything that we need to change with the existing cloud kafka setup for it to work with Thought Machine in Dev?

        • nothing since the dedicated ccloud kafka cluster supports oauth and will be tested with tm 4.4.1

      • confluent operator

        • how the scaling will happen if theres only one confluent operator

        • no need to scale the operator, the connectors are the ones you need to scale

    • PostgreSQL

      • Were there any plans that you have discussed before when it comes to creating the Production instances.

        • Are there any plans/agreements for creating 1:1 instance (microservice to database instance ratio) Whats your recommendation?

          • try doing in lower env before prod

          • josef is working on the POC on Alloydb which we may get some info by next week

        • To address the following

        • If none, what would you recommend based on the current performance of the dbs and issues encountered on the dbs - not needed

      • Are all databases secrets stored in CICD Vault for all databases deployed in all of the Environments?

        • Yes

      • For Database Monitoring, what were the initial plan?

        • If there are none, would you recommend using the Google Cloud Monitoring for the Cloud SQL?

        • Do you suggest using the cloudsql grafana integration?

      • Database Migration

        • DB migration process

        • Do you see any migration that we need to do for any environments?

        • Do we have any github action that has any db migration script?

        • For manipulating prod db in the future, do you suggest doing this in GHA? (in respect with automation and security)

      • Outstanding Issues

        • Are we encountering any issues with connection pools right now? (concurrent connections)

        • Were there any reported db issue currently that is still open or in the past that were not addressed?

        • None that were aware of

      • On Postgres switching to Alloydb

        • What is the current status of this?

          • josef is doing a poc

        • What are the challenges of using this and migrating to Alloydb?

          • will be provided on the poc document

        • What was the reason why we need to switch to Alloydb?

          • because it was managed and other features not available in pg

        • What are the next plans on Alloydb?

          • still in poc

        • Are there any existing work being done on AlloyDB or testing being done by our team?

          • josef

    • Object storage

      • All GCS buckets are in Terraform (atleast for environment projects, excluding Safi Dev (dkatalis)), True?

      • Aside from the assets bucket, do we have or do we need to set any current buckets to public?

      • based on current requirements of apps, do we need to set or have we set any versioning or lifecycle policies in any of the buckets?

to be continued-- Nov 28, 2022
  • AlloyDB

A: Terraform provider is in beta - permission issues are pending

  • Data team (Big Data analysis)

    • Link to the Documentation on what is currently setup and implemented in GCP or outside GCP for Data Team. - BQ, CFN, Pub/Sub, Vertex AI(Jupyter notebook- API )

    • Did we configure anything manually for them? (them being data team) - everything is in terraform except firebase ios, android mobile apps with terraform provider - enable analytics is manual

    • Whats being done on the Data Team side right now, any open tickets? - kafka connectors tikets-

    • How are the (datasets) Bigquery being managed right now? (in relation to cost management) - no performance tuning

    • In relation to security and permissions, all of the access for data team gcp projects are also in terraform? - Mobile team assests gcs bucket

    • Can you provide us some details on how the following resources are deployed and being utilized right now? (for GCP Data)

      • Data Studio - Visualisation purpose -Nothing

      • Cloud Composer - Terraform 1. Data team 2. Applications team - cloud-composer-infra TFC -Workspace

      • Cloud Functions - Gnanasekaran Gajendiran did it in GHA

      • Pubsub Topics - Terraform

  • Backup

GKE Backup - New feature

  • Ably

    • Any Ably Documentation for DevOps related tasks? - creation of environments and keys has been automated - only manual is ios certs, firebase keys

    • Can you walk us through on what needs to be done if there’s still anything pending and what has been done so far? automation accounts for ably needs to be changed - TFC variable is manually added - dispatcher tfc variables

  • Sergei Tasks

  • encryption(cloud KMS- bucket/pubsub/BQ/GKE), DR, HA GKE Replicas, PostgreSQL, Data workspace, Firebase automation

  • KMS encryption for GCP resources

  • High Availability for GCP resources & K8S apps

    • What are the outstanding tasks being done by Sergei? - Firebase mobile application config automation using terraform -

    • Is he handling the automation of DKatalis created resources in the acquired-badge-348405 project? - all the tickets are completed except Firbase automation

    • Status of the Firebase automations. (and related documentation)- still work in-progress

  • VAPT Tickets

    • Are there any outstanding tickets raised to you or any member of the VL devops that is in progress?

      • SAF-130 - SaFi-2022-9 SaFi Mobile Application Information Disclosure via Stack Trace Backlog

      • SAF-142 - SaFi-2022-10 SaFi Mobile Application HTTP Headers And Cookies Best Practices Done

      • SM-7448 - SaFi-2022-24 SaFi Mobile Lack of SSL Certificate Pinning Done

      • full VAPT vulnerabilities report to review