SaFi Bank Space : Deploy applications to stage environment

Microservices are deployed independently. In the dev environment, all the apps are built and deployed on every commit (if there were changes in microservice code).

In stage/prod environments, we use the same docker image as for dev (in GitHub Actions build pipeline is skipped).

In order to deploy microservice to the stage environment, you need to:

  1. look for a specific commit on which the docker image for the application was built (Be aware, that only tags in branch main will trigger deploy!):

    1. open SaFiMono → Actions

    2. select app-microserviceName (e.g.: app-account-manager)

    3. look for specific commit, e.g.:

  2. tag it with stage-microserviceName-version (e.g.: stage-account-manager-0.0.1):

    git checkout ffe38b6
    git tag -a stage-account-manager-0.0.1 -m "Stage deploy test"
    git push origin main --tags

    Note: To see what tags numbers you already pushed use

    git tag | grep account


  3. check the deployment status:

    1. open SaFiMono → Actions

    2. select app-microserviceName-stage (e.g.: app-account-manager-stage)

    3. the first workflow run is the latest deployment